View Full Version : Anxiey and illect drug use..

03-03-2014, 02:23 AM
Deleted llllllll

03-03-2014, 03:08 AM
I know drug use is not a great idea when you have anxiety. But when I drink sometimes the urge is their to do coke. Tonight was the first night in 18 days I drank alcohol and did a little be of blow. I hate it and it's horrible idea but it happened. I have been doing so good on lexapro and I feel like it has help so much. I will make sure it doesn't happen again. Does anyone else deal with a problem like this? I know it's not ok and I hate the fact it happened.

Hi I totally get that feeling that when you have alcohol it has to be accompanied by some substance. For me it used to be amphetamines I wanted. It was every weekend for me at one point!
The next day was always horrendous!
For me it was having my son that stopped the urge plus having health anxiety I would freak out too much now.
Maybe it might be best to stay away from alcohol for a little while, while you get your anxiety/depression a little more under control, and let the meds help you.
Don't beat yourself up though, it's happened now and you can start a fresh again. This is only a slip up