03-01-2014, 04:46 PM
Hi everyone I'm new to this I am 34 yrs old and I am currently suffering from anxiety,depression and I can also add insomnia to my list I've always had anxiety I remember as a kid but it didn't flare up until about 1week ago I feel like I hit rock bottom I've pushed away my family my friends I just wanted to be alone everything irritated i even had to take time off from work I just feel like anxiety took over my life so I saw my doctor that refilled my prescription for xanax which I've been taking for almost 3 months now and it works wonders I'm just wondering how long before this new medication starts to work called celexa?? I just wanna be normal and go back to doing my normal activities so to top things off now I got insomnia it's been almost a week of sleepless nights I always get stomach aches and nausea and it's so frustrating I've tried to think positive right before going to bed even meditate tried over the counter zzzquail and melatonin not even xanax works for me at nite I'm starting to feel hopeless again