View Full Version : Chest/Lungs

03-27-2008, 12:34 PM
Hi all

Again I am seeking advice from the anxiety forum as it always helps me deal with my anxiety problems.

In the past I have had these occasional sharp pains in my chest when I take a deep breath, these rarely happen but a few weeks ago I got this sharp pain and panic began to set-in. Of course I done the silly thing and went on the PC and started looking for symtoms, next thing I had diagnosed myself with Lung Cancer (i'm 24 yrs old). I gave up smoking (which is a good thing) and went to the doctors. Doctor gave me a examinination and said this was a muscle spasm and not to worry, so I came home and tried to forget about it. The thoughts have now started to get worse and I seem to be having niggily chest pains all over my chest now. Again today went back to the doctor in a panic and again told me not to worry and that the constant thoughts will be bringing on my chest pain. Will the thoughts bring on these pains?

I cant get these thoughs out of my head and I keep thinking I am going to die, can anyone give me some advice?

Thank-you for reading.

03-28-2008, 05:32 AM
Thinking about a problem like this CAN make it worse. First of all, this pain in your lung could very likely be just a symptom of stress. Odd aches and pains are frequently caused by stress. Also, for whatever reason, it is often possible to think you have pain somewhere, only to feel it. I don't know if this can be explained scientifically. But MANY can attest to this happening.

Anyway, the trick to dealing with this is NOT to try to get rid of the thought. Attempts to do so will most likely make the thought come back stronger. Rather, you want to allow the thought to exist, but without engaing it. By this, I mean that you want to allow the thought to exist without carrying it any further than having it there. For instance, you don't want to go from having the thought to thinking of negative implications. At the same time, you want to distract yourself with something else. Over time, this thought will become less and less if you deal with it in this way.