View Full Version : Can anxiety cause this?

02-27-2014, 08:06 AM
Today, I woke up for working feelilng really crappy. I have no desire to go to work or get out of bed. I notice when I get out of bed I feel weak, dizzy, and unfocused. Can anxiety cause you to feel like this? I'm at work right now and feel nauseous. I also noticed I seem to be really forgetful as to where I also put things. Most of the time I am so concerned with my anxiety, I rarely pay attention to where I put things. When I spend time with my kids or am at home, I feel a sense of derealization. Why does anxiety suck so bad? I miss feeling normal and not worrying so much about my health or state of mind.

02-27-2014, 08:13 AM
Today, I woke up for working feelilng really crappy. I have no desire to go to work or get out of bed. I notice when I get out of bed I feel weak, dizzy, and unfocused. Can anxiety cause you to feel like this? I'm at work right now and feel nauseous. I also noticed I seem to be really forgetful as to where I also put things. Most of the time I am so concerned with my anxiety, I rarely pay attention to where I put things. When I spend time with my kids or am at home, I feel a sense of derealization. Why does anxiety suck so bad? I miss feeling normal and not worrying so much about my health or state of mind.

First off you are normal. Just because you're dealing with this doesn't make you weird or anything. Lots of people have problems. I've had days like this. Where i feel drained and almost zombie like because my mind is elsewhere. I totally hate it. So you're not alone! :)

02-27-2014, 09:01 AM
Today, I woke up for working feelilng really crappy. I have no desire to go to work or get out of bed. I notice when I get out of bed I feel weak, dizzy, and unfocused. Can anxiety cause you to feel like this? I'm at work right now and feel nauseous. I also noticed I seem to be really forgetful as to where I also put things. Most of the time I am so concerned with my anxiety, I rarely pay attention to where I put things. When I spend time with my kids or am at home, I feel a sense of derealization. Why does anxiety suck so bad? I miss feeling normal and not worrying so much about my health or state of mind.

It sounds like a mixed bag here..
Get to the Doctor and don't delay it anymore...
