View Full Version : coffee??

02-27-2014, 07:25 AM
I recently went to the doctors following 12 sessions of CBT and was prescribed antidepressants. she also told me to stop drinking coffee.

I haven't had a coffee for over a week and im finding it hard to stop thinking about it (silly I know) The bit I find hard is explaining to others when I go to their house why I don't want a coffee after years of always asking for a coffee? Rather than tell them what I am going through, I just feel like drinking it. is it just coffee? is it the same with tea? or is it caffine in general?

And also, How do u tell someone that doesn't understand what u are going through? I never have the right words to explain?


02-27-2014, 07:32 AM
I got this advice from so many people, but I said f*ck it. I need my coffe or else, what's the purpose of life?!

I don't think 1 cup is going to hurt :)

02-27-2014, 07:40 AM
thanks guys :) u know how anxiety works i've been having an argument with myself in my head for days - do it!! no!! don't!!

I love this site :) its awesome xx

02-27-2014, 07:47 AM
I got this advice from so many people, but I said f*ck it. I need my coffe or else, what's the purpose of life?!

I don't think 1 cup is going to hurt :)

Agreed. It's not meth, for god's sake. Sorry, drinking my coffee now - it DOES cheer me up eventually :)

02-27-2014, 08:17 AM
I drink three cups a day, (my cups, the big ones) and I am on beta blockers and on meds for anxiety. Every doc tells me not to drink but I do. I am not taking away something small which gives me such pleasure to drink.
:) coffee is awesome. Imagine....black,...velvety.....heavenly smell....I do not think weak coffee can get you agitated a lot...a:) Have a small one

02-27-2014, 10:09 AM
I am 100%tea dependant. My folks should probably not have put it in my bottles!

As caffeine is a stimulant it's not good for us to get an already over stimulated nervous system firing further. However, for me I also feel what's the point if you can't enjoy a cuppa. I've got it to 6/7 cups a day now but I drink caffeine tea mornings. Decaf at lunch caffeine afternoons and decaf at night! It's my idea of a compromise with my pleasure side and my nervous system.

Maybe you can do something similar? Not all decaf products are created equal I found. Only one tea I can enjoy as decaf where most the brands I could smell and taste a difference! Try a few coffees brands and there may be a compromise one for you. :)

As far as how to tell people things, I don't hide it at all now. People don't need details but I just say ....I've got anxiety mental health difficulties and move on. It takes some of the power out of our problem. Each to their own though. You have to be ready to adopt the who gives a ...... attitude. It took me a long time but I'm glad I don't hide it now. I've enough pressures having it without trying to hide it too. :)

thanks for the advice, I will try some different coffees :)

yeah not sure im ready for everyone to know quite yet, but good for u :) xx

02-27-2014, 10:10 AM
I drink three cups a day, (my cups, the big ones) and I am on beta blockers and on meds for anxiety. Every doc tells me not to drink but I do. I am not taking away something small which gives me such pleasure to drink.
:) coffee is awesome. Imagine....black,...velvety.....heavenly smell....I do not think weak coffee can get you agitated a lot...a:) Have a small one

;) thanks x

02-27-2014, 10:11 AM
:) I will x

02-27-2014, 10:13 AM
I love coffee....
I drink waayyyy tooo much, but I like it...
It does not affect my anxiety, if my attitude is positive...
I drink 3 pots a day...and feel fine..
I would suggest that you enjoy something, that you enjoyed,,no reason to deprive yourself and allow anxiety to win this battle over a cup of coffee...
Keep smiling while you drink it too.. :)
