View Full Version : Please help!!?? heart attack!!?? 16 years old!!?

02-26-2014, 04:19 PM
ive asked a similar question before and people told me not to worry about it but I just cant stop cuz now its soo worse then what it was before. ive gone to the hospital many times last year because of chest pain and have got test done like ekg and xrays and blood tests and they come back normal. they cant find anything wrong with me. they told me it was most likely due to stress or anxiety and put me on Prozac. I haven't been taken them constantly, I only take them when I remember. so everytime I got a chest pain or my left side of chest hurt I would ignore it and just say "well tests were done and found nothing wrong so I have nothing to worry about. " but just today I was on the bus listening to music making my way to school when all of a sudden I get this painful pain in the left side of my chest. it was soo painful that its so hard for me to describe it. I just couldn't breath. it wasn't a stab or like a prick it was just like a crampy feeling somewhat like that. I got super scared and was about to make a huge commotion about me dying from a heart attack but I controlled myself. this is a different level of pain i have never experienced before. also this whole week i had been gettting chest pain and now it seems like its worse. I couldn't take any deep breaths so I took small breaths. it started off painful for the first 5 seconds and then It minimized and then it went somewhat away. but during school time I could still feel somewhat discomfort but nothing as painful as it was at the bus. I was just praying that it wouldn't happen again during school time. now im back from school and I thought everything was good but I was just eating and all of a sudden, as I was eating a got a sudden sharp piercing stab in the left side of my chest (kind of in the center). I got sooo scared by this and that's why im typing asking this question. the back of my left side of my ribcage feels weird and It just feels weird around that area. it feels tense and the pain feels like its going to start again. im just sooo fed up with this ****. I really cant take this anymore. im tired of going to the hospital wasting money thinking I have something serious but doctors cant find anything. they look at me like im ******* crazy and insane and that im just making up bullshit but I swear im not. im just sooo scared of dying right now cuz these pains are ******* around with me. does anyone know what this is?? is this heart related? I know this isn't the best place to get answers but professionals cant give me an answers so im just hoping that someone can relate to me. please give me feed back . I will really appreciate it. thanks to anyone who took the time to read this and answer. it means a lot to me at this moment.

02-26-2014, 04:37 PM
I'm no doctor, but my dad had gone to the doctor for what he believed to be a heart attack. It turned out to be a severe panic attack. I knew it had to be serious because he only goes to the Dr if he's dying...I wouldn't stress too much over it bud. If the docs say your fine, chances are its not to serious. I know its tough to take my word, since I'm a complete stranger...but my anxiety tends to cause me to worry over anything wrong with me. Any bumps that turn out to be swollen lymph nodes or I could have a common flu and think its West Nile. Don't stress...stressing won't make it better. If it gets any worse I'd try a different Dr.

02-26-2014, 04:40 PM
i appreciate your response. and yea its hard to listen to a person to not worry but i try.

02-26-2014, 04:50 PM
ive asked a similar question before and people told me not to worry about it but I just cant stop cuz now its soo worse then what it was before. ive gone to the hospital many times last year because of chest pain and have got test done like ekg and xrays and blood tests and they come back normal. they cant find anything wrong with me. they told me it was most likely due to stress or anxiety and put me on Prozac. I haven't been taken them constantly, I only take them when I remember. so everytime I got a chest pain or my left side of chest hurt I would ignore it and just say "well tests were done and found nothing wrong so I have nothing to worry about. " but just today I was on the bus listening to music making my way to school when all of a sudden I get this painful pain in the left side of my chest. it was soo painful that its so hard for me to describe it. I just couldn't breath. it wasn't a stab or like a prick it was just like a crampy feeling somewhat like that. I got super scared and was about to make a huge commotion about me dying from a heart attack but I controlled myself. this is a different level of pain i have never experienced before. also this whole week i had been gettting chest pain and now it seems like its worse. I couldn't take any deep breaths so I took small breaths. it started off painful for the first 5 seconds and then It minimized and then it went somewhat away. but during school time I could still feel somewhat discomfort but nothing as painful as it was at the bus. I was just praying that it wouldn't happen again during school time. now im back from school and I thought everything was good but I was just eating and all of a sudden, as I was eating a got a sudden sharp piercing stab in the left side of my chest (kind of in the center). I got sooo scared by this and that's why im typing asking this question. the back of my left side of my ribcage feels weird and It just feels weird around that area. it feels tense and the pain feels like its going to start again. im just sooo fed up with this ****. I really cant take this anymore. im tired of going to the hospital wasting money thinking I have something serious but doctors cant find anything. they look at me like im ******* crazy and insane and that im just making up bullshit but I swear im not. im just sooo scared of dying right now cuz these pains are ******* around with me. does anyone know what this is?? is this heart related? I know this isn't the best place to get answers but professionals cant give me an answers so im just hoping that someone can relate to me. please give me feed back . I will really appreciate it. thanks to anyone who took the time to read this and answer. it means a lot to me at this moment.

It's highly unlikely it's anything to do with your heart if it's pain on your left side of the chest.

A heart attack is like a 14 stone man sitting on the centre of your chest.

Look at your risk factors :

Your ECG/EKG shows your heart is healthy, you are 16 you have at least another 20 odd years before you are even getting close to the youngest end of the rarer risk bracket.

What you describe used to happen to me when I was eating, I was so stressed with worry I got indigestion and muscular chest pain constantly, which restricts the breathing.

If the pain reoccurs, rather than panicking, start to press on and rub the area you feel the pain, if you can isolate it i.e (feels worse when you press on it), then this is muscular (as you can feel muscle pain), but you cannot obviously feel your heart.

02-26-2014, 04:55 PM
Hi if you did all the test and it's negative don't worry! If you would of had a heart problem it would of shown on the test. Stress causes all types of symptoms try to relax, the more you think the pain will come that's anxiety it will always make your mind think the worst. Read some past articles on chest pain on this forum and you will get answers, don't use Dr.Google will make your anxiety worst.Good luck

02-26-2014, 05:16 PM

You told me you've been to the doc 7 times, I'm almost 100% nothing is wrong with your heart,

The fact that you're so young only confirms that you're not having a heart attack,

I know it's scary, but it's all your chest muscles that are tense,

It's like trying to workout with sore muscles, it hurts but it's not harmful,

If it was a heart attack you'd drop down in seconds and I highly doubt anything is wrong with your heart,

You have so many arguments against this irrational fear, I wish I had that many :(

Wish you the best! :)

Olive Yew
02-26-2014, 06:30 PM
My mom gets these all the time. She's had the tests done and she's fine. Basically what the dr told her is it's muscles in her chest FREAKING out. She said it's been so bad that she's been in tears and totally thought she was dying. But she's fine. It just sucks when it happens. She's not even an anxiety sufferer.

My best friend also has what's called Esophageal spasms. I've gone with her to the hospital before when they've gotten so bad she could hardly breathe. Again, she's in no danger but they hurt like all get out. They usually get worse when she's stressed out. Same with my mom's chest spasms. I seriously wouldnt worry honey.

Olive Yew
02-26-2014, 06:34 PM
Think of it like a foot cramp. Ever had one of those? THEY SUCK TOO!!! So bad! It feels like someone's stabbing you in the arch of your foot and twisting and it makes your toes curl under and your whole leg is on fire. It's horrible. Now imagine that kind of cramping happening in your pectoral minors (the muscles underneath your pectoral majors, or the visible muscles on the surface). Those muscles are massive and they're tensing and spazzing like crazy. You better believe it's going to hurt. But your heart isnt effected at all.