View Full Version : Scared im going to be sick

02-26-2014, 01:01 PM
I have a seriously bad phobia of sick n iv been on the toilet with loose stools n came over all sicky feeling n sweating n now I'm scared I'm going to throw up :( what can I do how can I stop it if it's just anxiety :( help

02-26-2014, 01:16 PM
I'm also due on my period Friday

02-26-2014, 01:59 PM
If it helps any I always get sick right before my period. All my symptoms get worse around that time. My anxieties go through the roof, my pvcs and palpitations get much worse, my ibs acts up even more, and I always get a flu like feeling. Hope you feel better soon!

02-26-2014, 02:08 PM
If it helps any I always get sick right before my period. All my symptoms get worse around that time. My anxieties go through the roof, my pvcs and palpitations get much worse, my ibs acts up even more, and I always get a flu like feeling. Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks I'm praying it's not a bug n just my period my anxietys been bad the last week with really bad trembling.

02-26-2014, 02:41 PM
Calm DOWN LO!!...

I hope your day got abit better from your other post that I read too!! You can't break you own leg dear!!!...if that's how I read it...
We're all here if you need some help or reassurance..

Sending some hopes, wishes, thoughts (that are good) your way..

Enduronman... :)

02-26-2014, 02:46 PM
Eman. You said calm down to a woman about to bleed. She'll pull a chuck Norris on that ass of urs. LOL


02-26-2014, 02:48 PM
Iv got to the point where I will do anything to avoid work and I get thoughts that are a bit crazy. Just wish I could find a way out.

02-26-2014, 03:09 PM
Don't Chuck Norris me please!!...
What is so difficult about going to work that you want to break your own leg, or throw your phone away and hide?
Surely there's some way to make this abit easier on you???
What type of work is it??
We all have crazy thoughts sometimes dear,...its ok and why we're all here too..
Tell us more, maybe we can come up with some ideas for you...

Enduronman...would still get his ass stomped by C. Norris even though C. Norris uses that ab lounger and is 87 years old.. LMAO!.. :)

02-26-2014, 03:23 PM
When I have nothing to do I start to think. But things I think about don't help. Like 'how do I feel' 'am I ok' 'why havnt I felt anxious for a while' etc etc. I work in retail. Thing is some days I'm on my own 10-12 an we will get maybe 2-4 people in some days and don't have anything to do or anyone to talk to. I'm the sort of person who likes doing things. Challenging my brain and right now I'm stuck and not doing that. Iv not even enjoying it for months and I literally drag myself there every day that I have to but lately iv been crying on wAy to work. It's like when someone's pushing u into this really bad place that ur stuck in for 8 hours and it's horrible. Iv never experienced this with a job before and the closer I get to work this dreaded sick feeling comes over me. It's not anxiety in general it's dread n then the anxiety kicks in.

I'm probably babbling on and makin no sense bt it hard to explain

02-26-2014, 03:36 PM
No, that makes perfect sense..
You're in a retail job, you'd rather be busy, but you're not, you're bored,,,literally to death (break your own leg),,,and you wish you were busier because distractions and interactions with people are what you want and need, but you feel like you're stuck at this job for 8 hours and when there's nothing goin on, you start having intrusive thoughts that make you feel like something is wrong although it isn't wrong, but then those thoughts throw you into a panic, depressed state, anxious state, and you're ready to freak out and lose it... like you're trapped in a cage. Got it.
Does this store have a manager that you could speak too about giving you "more daily tasks" then what you now do?
Is there another dept in this store, that has more activity than the other depts?
Could this manager show you how to do more things? Inventory, sales, hell can you sweep the entire store each day?....
You need more to do, that's obvious...but can she/he give you more to do????
If not, what would be wrong with putting in an application for a place that you know is more busier with more shoppers?
You already know about retail???? Maybe the other stores would lovvveeee to have someone that "needs to be busy" vs the people that may be sleeping in the back????

I can think of more ideas if you need them,..tell me if anything above makes sense or is do-able???

E-Man.. :)

02-26-2014, 04:02 PM
I'm the assistant manager and I already do pretty much what the manager does we do it together. And I can't do anymore if I tried. It's just a small shop nothing massive bt your right I am bored to death. Then I get these thoughts and then I end up giving mySelf headaches from being tense n then I get a migraine and I'm so trapped there. Yesterday I walked out 2 hours before I was supposed to and left someone on their own. I'm meant to be an assistant manager and I'm doing that??!!

02-26-2014, 04:04 PM
I also used to use smokin to relieve any stress I had. And since iv given up it's been building and building but iv done 108 days no cigs now.

02-26-2014, 04:05 PM
Some days I even empty boxes in the stockroom and repackage them lol.

02-26-2014, 04:07 PM
Maybe,..you're ready to take that Assistant Manager skills and move up to Manager, or even at a more larger and busier store...???????
Does this place you work for, have other stores too, because you could always go check them out when you're bored too, if they're close by?????
I think that you just sooooooo borrreeedddd that you've gotta find, figure, create, something to occupy your mind because you are so much better then awhile back!!
How can you change this boredom LO????? Tell me your ideas???......There has to be a way???
And when you find it, all your other thoughts will disappear too and you know that....

E-Man.. :)

02-26-2014, 04:08 PM
I also used to use smokin to relieve any stress I had. And since iv given up it's been building and building but iv done 108 days no cigs now.

Oh WOW!!! Congratulations to you from all of us!!!

YAY!!! :)

02-26-2014, 04:09 PM
Some days I even empty boxes in the stockroom and repackage them lol.

Is this store a seasonal store??? Will it pick up when the weather warms????

02-26-2014, 04:23 PM
I don't ever want to be a manager so iv kind of got to the end of that path. I work in a shopping centre that isn't busy in the week and yes store is seasonal really and is always busy in the autumn and winter so we just getting over the busy periods. And I was signed off for most of the autumn and only really went back properly in the new year.

My ideas are to get something busier. Something to keep me occupied and thought free because I do make myself worse I know I do. Because I don't have anything to do I'm talking to myself in my head Arnt I :(.

Iv joined this programme called the linden method but need to wait for my CBT to finish in a few weeks before I start it properly but he said that people with anxiety have a creative intellect and even if they are busy doing things they already know how to do they are busy bored which is soooooo true.

02-26-2014, 04:37 PM
Something else to keep you busier, happier, more satisfied,..yes, you are talking to yourself and that isnt good.
That's great that you've joined a CBT group!! Im' so proud of you, we all are!!!...You ARE doing so much better LO...
If youre just getting OUT of the busy season, then I think you already know that maybe a new retail job may be in order???
Then maybe go back into the other one on a seasonal basis if you leave on good terms???
Just throwing lots of thoughts out there for you.....You really are succeeding with some bad days here and there,,but we allll have those too dear!!!

Here if you need me...

Chris.. :)

02-26-2014, 04:38 PM
Yes I need a new job but how do I get a job and go into the unknown with this dreaded anxiety problem.