View Full Version : Dreams

Amy Smith
02-26-2014, 10:25 AM
Last night i had a panic attack in my dream. Which ive had before, but it was more intense this time. Anyone else have very weird/strange dreams while being on meds?

02-26-2014, 10:29 AM
Dreamt my mum was trying to kill me, and was chasing me around with a knife.

Amy Smith
02-26-2014, 10:41 AM
Well i had a panic attack in my dream cause i killed some guy that was chasing me ........ not cool lol

02-26-2014, 10:43 AM
Panic attacks in dreams are weird. Do you ever get that one, when you have shortness of breath anxiety style in a dream, and it starts to come out in the dream, such as you being underwater, or having just exercised really fast, and your dream gives a reason for being out of breath?

I had a nightmare that I couldn't beat someone at Words with Friends. Sadly though I realized I wasn't dreaming :(

02-26-2014, 10:45 AM
i've always had weird dreams like that, so i'm not sure if its to do with meds, but now i'm on beta blockers i always seem to wake up panicking and dizzy even when i haven't been dreaming..

Amy Smith
02-26-2014, 10:46 AM
Yes, i dont like those dreams or the ones where im running away from someone but i cant run fast enough lol....

Hahahaha ,sorry i must be your nightmare ;)

02-26-2014, 10:46 AM
In the very little sleep I got last night (my little boy was up with the stomach flu, and guess who held him?), I dreamed I was laughing hysterically at something, and as I was laughing I lost my air....woke up not breathing, doing the lovely anxiety gasp. (Sigh)

Amy Smith
02-26-2014, 10:50 AM
i've always had weird dreams like that, so i'm not sure if its to do with meds, but now i'm on beta blockers i always seem to wake up panicking and dizzy even when i haven't been dreaming..

Im on a beta blocker too, the past 8 years. Dont think its my beta blocker that does it, cause these dreams started to be intense once i started my other meds.

Amy Smith
02-26-2014, 10:52 AM
In the very little sleep I got last night (my little boy was up with the stomach flu, and guess who held him?), I dreamed I was laughing hysterically at something, and as I was laughing I lost my air....woke up not breathing, doing the lovely anxiety gasp. (Sigh)

Oh no :( sorry to hear about your baby, i know how that goes. I have a three year old. I hate when i wake up gasping for air, or when i frantically wake up cause i feel like i cant breathe.

02-26-2014, 10:56 AM
In the very little sleep I got last night (my little boy was up with the stomach flu, and guess who held him?), I dreamed I was laughing hysterically at something, and as I was laughing I lost my air....woke up not breathing, doing the lovely anxiety gasp. (Sigh)

Yeah, that's the one :)

It's strange when that happens in a dream. The way the mind processes night anxiety.

And best wishes to the little guy too! Ofc.

02-26-2014, 10:58 AM
Oh no :( sorry to hear about your baby, i know how that goes. I have a three year old. I hate when i wake up gasping for air, or when i frantically wake up cause i feel like i cant breathe.

Yeah, I do the gasping thing a lot. Used to REALLY freak me out, now I know what it is and try to shrug it off. Still hard sometimes.