View Full Version : Xanax

02-23-2014, 11:59 AM
Anyone ever taken a Xanax for a flight?

02-23-2014, 12:14 PM
Yes, it takes the edge off. Might even let you snooze aswell

02-23-2014, 12:17 PM
Does it make u stop breathing way up in the air that's what I am afraid of and them not saving me

02-23-2014, 12:19 PM
Nope it's perfectly safe, I take them before flights

02-23-2014, 12:26 PM
What milligram?

02-23-2014, 03:48 PM
I take 1mg every day, and used to take up to 3mg...the max dose allowed is 10mg is severe anxiety cases...
NO, it doesn't cause you to stop breathing it works in the brain and is only mildly sedating...

Enduronman... :)

02-23-2014, 04:15 PM
Oh ok thank you .. I have 0.25 hope that will help me

02-23-2014, 04:22 PM
Yes,..and that's a teeeennnyyy tiny amount. It will help even at that dose. That is 1/4th of what I take now daily, so you'll be fine friend. :)

02-23-2014, 04:38 PM
Okay great thanks .. I just panic about meds and the flying I am scared to death but I have to get on it to see my daughter

02-23-2014, 04:40 PM
I know,,,flying is a big challenge for many of us Sparty!! A drink always helps too,,if you can actualy drink something...relaxing. :)

02-24-2014, 05:12 AM
Oh the mighty alprazolam.

02-27-2014, 03:02 PM
.25 is plenty. You'll feel more relaxed. But, it's about 3 hours for Xanax so if you've got a long flight, you might want to make sure you have enough for the entire flight. Another possibility, presuming you don't have low blood pressure, is propranolol. It works on the physical symptoms of anxiety -- butterflies in stomach, rapid heart beat, etc.

When I'm going in for a super stress event - oh, giving a talk or an interview, I take Xanax and propranolol. I wouldn't take alcohol with those, however.

I don't get nervous on flights - but one thing I like to have with me is a granola bar and some lemonade. It's a ritual. Plus, be sure to bring headphones so you can watch the movie. Or, bring a book or a puzzle game. Something to occupy your mind. I also prefer the aisle seat so that I can get up and walk around or use the bathroom, if need be.

Is Sparty a school mascot? As in the Spartans? You know what Spartan moms used to tell their sons before going into battle, or so says Plutarch, -- Come back with your shield -- or on it! i.e. Win the fight or die trying. Tough ladies those Spartan women. :)

02-27-2014, 04:59 PM
Thank you and yes I am a spartymum my daughter goes to MSU :)) go green and yes I have a aisle seat :)))