View Full Version : Know the difference...

02-22-2014, 08:21 PM
I'm finding it very difficult to know the difference between anxiety and depression. How to determine which is causing the other. It seems like the moments I'm fine it is only a matter of time that I start feeling anxious and anticipate depression feelings to come along. I don't know if they are depression feelings or feelings from the anxiousness. I find myself in the mornings and evenings feeling fine, or almost fine. But I find as the morning goes along I start to anticipate and feel anxious about being depressed or feeling anxious feelings of cloudiness and stuck focusing on my feelings and can't get away from it. It seems like throughout the day I get stuck in this rut, but it often tapers off and feel fine most evenings.


02-22-2014, 09:12 PM
Based on what I see from your post. And I am not a doctor

Ut seems like anxiety and not depression

Sounds like you fear you will develop depression

02-22-2014, 09:26 PM
Based on what I see from your post. And I am not a doctor

Ut seems like anxiety and not depression

Sounds like you fear you will develop depression

I know what depression feels like as I was in a major depression in 2003. Although some of the symptoms seem similar, I don't find I have them all as I did in 2003. I find it starts with a anticipation, an anxious feeling that makes me get stuck inside myself analyzing and thinking negative about everything. But that is not usually right when I wake up and not in the evening. I actually feel in evening and early morning I can deal with stress, but once the day goes along it starts to be hard to deal with any stress.

I sleep alright almost 90% of the time however probably not as deep as I should be as I still feel tired some days during the day after a night sleep. But overall I feel like I sleep fine. I eat fine and never lose my appetite. I still shower and take care of my self. I eat very healthy and I do exercises regularly since all this started. I've been battling it mostly with CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).

02-22-2014, 09:32 PM
This is very interesting : anxiety vs . Depression , how can you tell? Yes my fear is going crazy, being admitted against my will. I don't speak much about this but my grandmother back in the 60s used to be taken by the police down to milidgeville Georgia ( Google it) where they had a mental hospital and give her electric shock treatments, all the while being raped on the way down to there and back. Anxiety, mental disorders and depression run rampant on my moms side of the family and it's quite sad to see how so many of them are affected with some sort of mental disorder. That's always been in the back of my mind