View Full Version : does anyone understand....anyone

02-21-2014, 05:51 PM
does anyone understand how it feels to be afraid to leave your own home. cuz nobody in my life does. everyone keeps telling me to get over it. how can i just get over it. im too afraid to go to the store cuz i fear of having a panic attack. i don't know what to do and its literally killing me. i really want to die. i can go get grocery's. my parents are telling me i need to leave. ive been staying with them for two weeks now. im too afraid to leave and this is the only place i feel comfortable. i feel like im running out of options before i kill myself. i don't know what to do. help me please.i haven't been to work in two weeks and everyone is telling me to just get out and do it. Ive heard exposure therapy is the best way but how can i do that if im really too afraid?

02-21-2014, 06:11 PM
Yea, It's why I don't go to the store or avoid going whenever I can. I have my shopping delivered - that helps a lot! All those others that tell me to get over it - well I got over them -- Goodbye no more in my life. I still suffer when I go out. I like act all Zen like in this forum, but when I go out, I am a walking time bomb. As for killing myself - it's not an easy thing to do - Everyone struggles with regardless oh how easy they make out it's going to be - so you have a while to think about things.

Therapy Shmerapy ... everyone is an expert ... but - none of us are. Some of us get on a high helping others and get manic at times with grandiose posts, like me - but at the end of the day, working out what it best for ones self is all we can really do.

OH Try CBT _ FTG My God - New Method discovered - ERC Try that one too.


HERE IS MY RECOMMENDATION: (recently given to me by another well known member in here - HONESTLY -> This is the only real method that I know works!!!!!!!)

You don't have to take it all the time - and the side affects are not that bad.

02-21-2014, 06:30 PM
thanks and i go to a therapist. only went one time so far and made me feel a litle better so far. and for killing myself i really can do it i just dont care anymore... and for the robin williams thing that is funny

02-21-2014, 08:29 PM
That's the spirit :)

Keep posting please - glad you still have a sense of humor Tmr789123. That is at least hopeful and I am slowly learning there is nothing wrong with hope no matter how hopeless things appear to be. It's all in our approach as well as others finding the compassion to help each other as well. I'm not a well person either, but it makes me feel better if I can help others - even when I question such motives, I know the planet needs more people to reach out, be helped and help all the same.

Again- keep posting. I may not do it all the time, but I do try to be kind to myself when I post - just say what is on your mind as best you can, but watch the negative energy as its so easy to start, to hate. Something another person on here recently said ... -> I suffer this badly too - where caring is just too much effort and hating is so easy ... I see a therapist too - :} Good on you for giving that a go.

Keep sharing - and glad you did.

PM me, add me, I don't mind.

02-21-2014, 08:34 PM
thanks very much for you advice! :) idk if it helps or anything i feel like this does. but both my grandparents passed away a couple months ago and my grandmom collected little turtle figurines for a very long time. i have a lot of them and hold a small one in my pocket at all times. i believe the dead live through their possessions so i always feel she is with me and always like to say she wouldnt let anything bad happen because i have her with me. it makes me feel alot better at times. not much to do with the topic but i feel it really really helps with my anxiety haha!

02-21-2014, 09:06 PM
Nothing wrong with that at all!!!! Sounds like good energy to me. I like being logical to sort out problems, but am way open to the possibilities with how we all decide to think and more importantly feel. My inbox was full and I just emptied it all out - I am not sure if you sent one, but if you did, you might want to try again. If not, don't worry about that - was just an email telling me to clean out my inbox was all.

You keep holding onto what works for you. Don't just follow the crowed! We are all special in our own way. Thanks for sharing that with me. Very much appreciated.

02-21-2014, 09:13 PM
thank you for your help and support also my friend! youve helped alot!

02-21-2014, 09:45 PM
That's a pretty nice thing to do, holding those little figurines. My metaphysics is pretty basic at best, but it is said that when people die, their energy doesn't cease to exist, but transfers to some other form. Energy can't be 'destroyed' after all.

Given some of the things people believe (I won't set off Ponders R filter), it's not beyond the realms of likeliness that your grandparents are with you, in some form, far closer than we could really comprehend.

And, they're clearly with you in spirit, and that's incredibly powerful!

Ah the get over it line. :) wouldn't these people make great physiotherapists - 'But doctor, I can't walk, my brain damage has caused me to lose contact with my body'

'Get over it and just walk - you have to walk eventually, just do it and stop being a wuss'

'Wonderful idea Doctor, why didn't I think of that to begin with!!!!'

But yes, people here do understand. My agoraphobia has been very mild, but I understand the brain lock, the mental wall. There are many threads in this section written by people who have experienced it far more than I, and to a degree have learnt to understand and manage their problem better. You can learn a lot from them.

You can learn a lot by writing too. You can learn sometimes what it is you're truly afraid of, because most of the time it isn't the sunlight outdoors that's bugging you, but what that sunlight casts light on.

Exposure therapy is usually very good yes. There are two ways you can tackle it really. One is to dive into the fear, feel it at it's most crippling and intense, and use it as a spiritual experience. Use it as a way of understanding the power of energy, and the power of the mind.
The second way is to take a little benzo, just enough to take 10-20% or so off of the fear, to ensure it's at a level you can handle.

Both are effective ways, both depend on who you are, and what you're seeking in life. Sure, there's a lot of spiritual glamour these days, but getting the job done is pretty darn great too if you want a benzo to help you, and take some of the edge off.

Good luck my friend.

02-21-2014, 09:52 PM
thanks for the advice jess! :) what type of benzo do you recommend or have heard people used?