View Full Version : It sucks........

02-20-2014, 11:30 AM
When a dream can totally mess up your mood for days. I'm diagnosed with having mild depression and anxiety disorder ad have been prescribed citalopram (10mg) and propranolol (40mg). Doctor warned me of nightmares but I didn't really take much notice. My nightmare involved me beating up my Dad and then all my family and friends hating me, the last part of my dream was me looking for an electrical chord so that I could hang myself. Anyway that was Tuesday night and I still feel like shit. People I have told just say "it's just a dream " but because I totally over think things I can't get it out of my head. I'm at my parents house for dinner and I had to excuse myself to go to the toilet so I could cry. Wow what a shit week!!!

Love to all

02-20-2014, 02:58 PM
Your dream didn't mess anything up

You obsessing on the dream is what the problem is

You need to separate the two things

If not obsessing on a dream, it would be something else

You tend to dwell on things like a lot of people with a disorder

How long have you been on meds?

They should really help with obsessing on things

02-20-2014, 03:36 PM
It sucks yes... I have had some good harrowing ones.

I sometimes wake up and say... WOW MAN THAT WAS F%%%& up. I tell a few friends.

Might be a reaction early to the meds, see if you can find that as a symptom of the meds.

Be grateful that it only happened in your dream and that we all have crazy dreams. Why not try ordering a dream of your choosing for the next few nights!!?