View Full Version : Need someone to talk to me :(

02-17-2014, 11:41 PM
Hi guys.... I've finally been feeling normal past 2 or so weeks. Now all of the sudden it's 130 am and I'm sitting watching tv and I feel a panic attack coming on... I'm all tingly and I can't breathe I feel like I'm not in my body :( I'm freaking out :( I hate this feeling like you are seriously going to die.... I took a Xanax but it hasn't kicked in yet and I could really use some support right now :(

02-18-2014, 12:05 AM
Hey Leah. One thing to remember is panic attacks always fizzle out. If you hold strong to that mentality they lose their power eventually. I used to drink a big glass of ice water, that used to help. :)

02-18-2014, 11:47 PM
Hey Leah. One thing to remember is panic attacks always fizzle out. If you hold strong to that mentality they lose their power eventually. I used to drink a big glass of ice water, that used to help. :)

Thanks ab! I've been pretty good lately about talking myself out of them but for some reason last night it wasn't working :( I'll try the glass of water next time!

02-19-2014, 01:29 AM
Hope your feeling better Leah !! X

02-20-2014, 03:51 AM
Well here I am again... Was feeling better during the day (as I always do) but was hit with this night time anxiety. It feels different and more severe tonight, or should I say this morning since it's 545 :( I feel so tingly and short of breath, like I can't properly take a deep breath no matter how hard I try it just stops me before I can inhale all the way... I hate this feeling :(

02-20-2014, 04:10 AM
I get this also Leah, my anxiety is 10 times worse at night it drives me crazy! I play on my xbox to take my mind off it until I feel really tired, usually works maybe you could try something similar x