View Full Version : Achievements of the day or month if you want :)

02-17-2014, 10:30 AM
hey to all. my greatest achievement was that i finally slept i my bed. took a nap there, but there were 3 months i couldnt get near to that bad coz it all started there. now i controlled my fear and slept like a baby for one hour there. such a breakthrough for me, as i was terrified of that bad. you guys?

02-17-2014, 10:42 AM
Way to go Cimi

Mines getting back into exercise after a year long lay off!

02-17-2014, 10:54 AM
hey to all. my greatest achievement was that i finally slept i my bed. took a nap there, but there were 3 months i couldnt get near to that bad coz it all started there. now i controlled my fear and slept like a baby for one hour there. such a breakthrough for me, as i was terrified of that bad. you guys?

Well done hun mine was not walking out a shop when it was busy x

02-17-2014, 11:26 AM
Of the day...watch someone else on here succeed and be happier!
Of the month....waiting for a HUGE amount of money to arrive...and I hope it does...YAY!!!


02-17-2014, 12:52 PM
First full day sober. Wasted 3 weeks drinking every single day. Wasn't feeling like I was in a good place. Recent break up, possibly losing my job. Everything felt like it's been up in the air. It'll come crashing down eventually and I hope it won't all be broken.

Still i'm going to avoid drinking for quite some time now. Being intoxicated daily reminded me of when I wasted 7 years as a stoner. Such substance abuse wound up leaving me with intense anxiety for 4 years and counting. I don't want to make myself worse by abusing alcohol.


02-17-2014, 01:15 PM
Of the month....waiting for a HUGE amount of money to arrive...and I hope it does...YAY!!!
E-man.. Jesse is only sending a penny..... :p

My new achievement is to try and start meditating.

Great job on a full day sober!

02-17-2014, 01:17 PM
Of the day...watch someone else on here succeed and be happier!
Of the month....waiting for a HUGE amount of money to arrive...and I hope it does...YAY!!!


Gonna send it Thursday :)

02-17-2014, 01:18 PM
First full day sober. Wasted 3 weeks drinking every single day. Wasn't feeling like I was in a good place. Recent break up, possibly losing my job. Everything felt like it's been up in the air. It'll come crashing down eventually and I hope it won't all be broken.

Still i'm going to avoid drinking for quite some time now. Being intoxicated daily reminded me of when I wasted 7 years as a stoner. Such substance abuse wound up leaving me with intense anxiety for 4 years and counting. I don't want to make myself worse by abusing alcohol.


Nicely done Ed!

02-17-2014, 01:26 PM
hey to all. my greatest achievement was that i finally slept i my bed. took a nap there, but there were 3 months i couldnt get near to that bad coz it all started there. now i controlled my fear and slept like a baby for one hour there. such a breakthrough for me, as i was terrified of that bad. you guys?

Wow! that's fantastic news :) really is an achievement, see fear is just a an emotion and a choice, you made the choice to take control of your fear and got the sleep you needed :)

My achievement is that I'm completely free from anxiety and panic and have been for 3 years, just to let you know that there is a way out and you will become free from it :)

02-17-2014, 01:39 PM
Wow! that's fantastic news :) really is an achievement, see fear is just a an emotion and a choice, you made the choice to take control of your fear and got the sleep you needed :)

My achievement is that I'm completely free from anxiety and panic and have been for 3 years, just to let you know that there is a way out and you will become free from it :)

thanks man. yeah i am taking meds at the moment and dealing with some dr sometimes. it feels like everything i see seems different. i know it is the same as before but somehow i see everything with doubt. any tips on here?

02-17-2014, 01:48 PM
Gonna send it Thursday :)

It would reallllyyy be a great help to me!!!...LMAO!!!


02-17-2014, 01:50 PM
E-man.. Jesse is only sending a penny..... :p

My new achievement is to try and start meditating.

Great job on a full day sober!

Actuuaaalllyyyy...I'm waiting for our Federal Government to quit sitting on their hands and send my disability money after 13 months of hell!!

Congrats to you Ed!!...


02-17-2014, 01:54 PM
congrats to everyone!! I really like reading everyone's accomplishments.

No school today since it's presidents day... sometimes i get anxious when I feel like I have nothing to do but I did all my laundry and worked out

02-17-2014, 02:00 PM
Hopes for much success @NTF and meditation!! (I left that out doh!)....

Congrats to you JJ for skipping school and getting your laundry done too!!! Oh anddddd working out!...

Enjoy this day...(rainnnnn here...)....OMG!


02-17-2014, 04:03 PM
My achievement of the day (and of the month) was upping my run to five minute blocks of running (I alternate three minute blocks and five minute blocks now) and feeling like I am getting a little bit fitter! And sorting out some work stuff - I feel like, with the exercise, then even though I am still feeling a bit anxious because of not having a job, I'm keeping it under control and still making use of my days - and that makes me SUPER proud because I have come such a long way in the past year or so in order to keep myself motivated like that! I hope everyone else is feeling ok and celebrating the victories, no matter how big or small! x

02-17-2014, 04:35 PM
I've been working more and enjoying my job more.

02-17-2014, 04:51 PM
today achievement; I did not kill my hubby ;)))

02-17-2014, 05:01 PM
today achievement; I did not kill my hubby ;)))

Your hubby's probably on his own forum... 'Biggest achievement today, I didn't kill my wife' ;)

02-17-2014, 05:08 PM
Today's achievement was NOT stealing my clients 10 week old springer spaniel puppy, despite the release of enough oxytocin to tranquillise a horse.

02-17-2014, 05:31 PM
Your hubby's probably on his own forum... 'Biggest achievement today, I didn't kill my wife' ;) to Jesse he does not forum but he maybe thinks the same,
My biggest achievement today ; making one deo instead of extra 5 :))

02-17-2014, 05:35 PM
Today's achievement was NOT stealing my clients 10 week old springer spaniel puppy, despite the release of enough oxytocin to tranquillise a horse.

Lol that's funny :)

But yeah, congrats dahlia and 14, and all others. No achievement too big or too small!!

02-17-2014, 05:36 PM
Biggest achivement today: Breaking recoooords in da gym!!