View Full Version : Please need help!!!!!!

Kyle Morgan
02-16-2014, 03:32 PM
I'm sorry to bring this girl up but she's making my Anxiety worse, I told you all I used to be friends with this girl who's my neighbour, we used to talk quite often, but during december she argued with my best friend, and she blames me for things that went on, even though I had nothing to do with it. I seen her last week with 3 guys, and as soon as she seen me, she started holding their hands and whispering things about me, well anyway I haven't heard from her since today.I went on a bike ride with my Dad this morning to help with my Anxiety, I felt great after I had some exercise. After I got back I asked my friend if he wanted to call for me, he did. But that girl's mother was out and she was questioning my friend saying that he had been saying things to her daughter, she's still making up shit about my friend even though he hasn't done anything. Her mother was questioning my friend when she seen him, and the thing is my friend suffers with bad anxiety too, and when she was saying things, a few hours later he got a panic attack. I also felt very anxious after that, and it's annoying me because this girl keeps on stirring shit up, after what had happened during early December. My friend only swore at her once because she was saying false accusations about him, and besides when he swore at her that was back in early December but she lied to her parents making it a big deal. What should I do?

Angie 91
02-16-2014, 03:44 PM
Hi, Kyle

Delete her number.
Eat a sandwich. -make one for your friend.
Roll down the curtains, read a book maybe tv? and well.. 'discard' her from your world.

Keep good company. -like your friend
Floss, hydrate eat your greens
Unplug! we’re all too fucking plugged in, including me. put your phone in a drawer.


Don’t take shit too seriously! everything changes.



Kyle Morgan
02-16-2014, 03:48 PM
I'm taking it seriously because she almost got my friend into trouble with the Police for all her bullshitting. She threatened to go to the police. She's a mentalcase

02-16-2014, 03:48 PM
I'm sorry to bring this girl up but she's making my Anxiety worse, I told you all I used to be friends with this girl who's my neighbour, we used to talk quite often, but during december she argued with my best friend, and she blames me for things that went on, even though I had nothing to do with it. I seen her last week with 3 guys, and as soon as she seen me, she started holding their hands and whispering things about me, well anyway I haven't heard from her since today.I went on a bike ride with my Dad this morning to help with my Anxiety, I felt great after I had some exercise. After I got back I asked my friend if he wanted to call for me, he did. But that girl's mother was out and she was questioning my friend saying that he had been saying things to her daughter, she's still making up shit about my friend even though he hasn't done anything. Her mother was questioning my friend when she seen him, and the thing is my friend suffers with bad anxiety too, and when she was saying things, a few hours later he got a panic attack. I also felt very anxious after that, and it's annoying me because this girl keeps on stirring shit up, after what had happened during early December. My friend only swore at her once because she was saying false accusations about him, and besides when he swore at her that was back in early December but she lied to her parents making it a big deal. What should I do?

Hey Kyle,

First of all...calm down, it's best to try and keep calm in this situations. Because getting annoyed will not bring any favours to you. I would try arranging to speak to the girls mother, however if that would make you feel more anxious, don't bother, I think that you should just avoid the girl as she is obviously too mature.

02-16-2014, 03:49 PM
I'm sorry to bring this girl up but she's making my Anxiety worse, I told you all I used to be friends with this girl who's my neighbour, we used to talk quite often, but during december she argued with my best friend, and she blames me for things that went on, even though I had nothing to do with it. I seen her last week with 3 guys, and as soon as she seen me, she started holding their hands and whispering things about me, well anyway I haven't heard from her since today.I went on a bike ride with my Dad this morning to help with my Anxiety, I felt great after I had some exercise. After I got back I asked my friend if he wanted to call for me, he did. But that girl's mother was out and she was questioning my friend saying that he had been saying things to her daughter, she's still making up shit about my friend even though he hasn't done anything. Her mother was questioning my friend when she seen him, and the thing is my friend suffers with bad anxiety too, and when she was saying things, a few hours later he got a panic attack. I also felt very anxious after that, and it's annoying me because this girl keeps on stirring shit up, after what had happened during early December. My friend only swore at her once because she was saying false accusations about him, and besides when he swore at her that was back in early December but she lied to her parents making it a big deal. What should I do?

Hey Kyle,

First of all...calm down, it's best to try and keep calm in this situations. Because getting annoyed will not bring any favours to you. I would try arranging to speak to the girls mother, however if that would make you feel more anxious, don't bother, I think that you should just avoid the girl as she is obviously too immature.