View Full Version : Diabetes

02-14-2014, 09:39 PM
Can someone help me with a few questions i have!! thank u

02-14-2014, 09:52 PM
Sure, ask away! I've done plenty of research on it (one of my big fears for a while!!)

There are also people here who have it so can answer first hand :)

02-14-2014, 09:57 PM
Forgot to mention, plenty of nurses on here too!

02-14-2014, 10:29 PM
I went to my kids Vday party and i ate one cookie with chocolate chip. And.then ate some frenchfries with grilled chicken. I came home layed down and that was at 3pm. i checked my sugar at 9pm and it.was 146.. this means that my sugar had to at least be over 200 for 3 or.4 hours. Important worried . Diabetes is a huge thing in my family. Type.2 .. my uncle had it bad , my gma had it also. She was diagnosed at 79. my dad is diabetic also but diet controlled which he don't diet. He's 69. im 29 and have already had the symptoms. My eye sight is impaired since last year. And went back for eye exam and my.vision has gotten slightly worse. Idk what to do. Im not scared to have it or be pre-diabetic but i feel important out of control .. My sugars are out.of whack . I went to doctor 10 months ago and my A1c was 6.7 i need some help.. I know my anxiety can also be fueled from this. Thanks for.your concern.

02-14-2014, 10:39 PM
Did your doctor recommend you see anyone, like a Dietician?

Most of the time, pre-diabetis and messed up blood sugar, it's reversible with lifestyle changes.

Yeah you're right, screwed up sugar can make you feel pretty rough, and be a major part of an anxiety problem.

Exercise and diet are huge when it comes to managing/reversing it. I dunno if you caught that thing they done on CNN about it?

If not..

Dr Mercula wrote a good article about it too. Obviously doesn't substitute for good medical care etc etc consult your doctor and give them a hug before doing anything new etc etc you know the drill ;)


02-14-2014, 10:42 PM
After getting diagnosed with wheat allergy, and low vitamin levels, and poor blood sugar, I took a real interest in nutrition and healthy living. I'm one of those people you see in supermarkets reading the back of packets, playing amateur nutritionist lol

If you need a little help with some of the things talked about, hit me up!

David Michael
02-14-2014, 10:44 PM
The foods you ate will make your blood sugar spike. As a lab tech we would report your glucose as high critical when it goes over 400. You may want to get a glucometer and be proactive by monitoring it. The key is education and monitoring.

02-14-2014, 10:49 PM
I have been slackin i will admit .but I Hope i haven't let it get too far. :/.. I do good, anxiety levels drop sugar is good. Then 2 months later i'm anxious, heart rate elevated, feeling almost ill. Tired, fatigued, and this is when I know my sugars are out of control. I have a poor diet..

02-14-2014, 10:51 PM
The foods you ate will make your blood sugar spike. As a lab tech we would report your glucose as high critical when it goes over 400. You may want to get a glucometer and be proactive by monitoring it. The key is education and monitoring.

I do monitor. 4 times a day.. Its well over 180 2 or even 3 hours after eating. :/ without exercise. if I end a high carb meal my sugar goes up to 206, it only takes me 30 minutes of walking to bring it down to 150

02-14-2014, 10:56 PM
I check my sugar 146.. Then tonight 20 mins after checking, I ate a salad and a few baked sun chips. Checked sugar a hour later, 120.. Just checked it now, 2 hours later, 115 ugh dont get it

02-15-2014, 07:18 AM
Dear iloveyu,

I have diabetes. I try to keep my A1C in the 5-6 range, but recently it has gone up to 6.8. I would suggest that you read the diabetes forums on the American Diabetes Association website. These forums are extremely helpful. You'll get lots of good advice. You should ask your doctor about treatment options. Most people start on metformin. I take that.