View Full Version : Head Pressure

02-14-2014, 06:52 PM
Does anyone ever get constant pressure in your head? I get it when i stand and its like the pressure creeps up the back of my head then goes away after a few seconds. I will also get it if i move my head to the side. I take atenolol which is a beta blocker. Is this causing this feeling? Needless to say it is driving me crazy and paranoia is running a muck.

02-14-2014, 07:01 PM
Hi Nellie...

I take a beta blocker as well and my doctor recently lowered the dose because of issues very similar to this. It was a headache that was very intense when I would go from bending over to standing up or just crouching to standing... Is that similar to what your experiencing?
My doc seemed to think it was potentially because of the body trying to compensate to the blood pressure change insufficently. Not sure if this is similar to what you're feeling.

Also, another possibility is maybe sinuses? I'm not sure where you are located but it's been a cold, miserable, dry winter and maybe they are feeling the wrath?

02-14-2014, 07:10 PM
Hi Nellie...

I take a beta blocker as well and my doctor recently lowered the dose because of issues very similar to this. It was a headache that was very intense when I would go from bending over to standing up or just crouching to standing... Is that similar to what your experiencing?
My doc seemed to think it was potentially because of the body trying to compensate to the blood pressure change insufficently. Not sure if this is similar to what you're feeling.

Also, another possibility is maybe sinuses? I'm not sure where you are located but it's been a cold, miserable, dry winter and maybe they are feeling the wrath?

I never feel pain. Its weird like a flood of pressure for a few seconds then gone. It scares the crap outta me. Honestly i really need too get off this stupid drug but last month i tried and had withdrawal and caused a panic. I don't even take that high of a dose but feel super sensitive to it. Ugh it's so frustrating never feeling good.

02-14-2014, 07:22 PM
Hmmm... Yes it does sound different but mine was a throbbing headache followed by so me lightheadedness. It would only last for about 30 seconds max. I can relate to you on the withdrawal. It was hard to reduce just 1/2 of the dosage. I was on 50 mg extended release metoprolol and going to 25mg spurred my anxiety and panic attacks like crazy... I am also very sensitive to medications so I can sympathize with you there.

Has your doc had any suggestions on what could be causing?

02-15-2014, 12:05 AM
Head pressure is common problem with sinuses..with it being winter, and windy (bitterly cold) it will wreak havoc on your sinuses.. this week, my ears have been stuffed up, badly, last week, I was suffering dizziness..I can't win! Coupled with anxiety, it makes it worse! because you focus much more on feeling off balance, stuffed up head, slight loss of hearing due to ears being stuffed up..