View Full Version : Still cant sleep :(

02-14-2014, 04:16 AM
Whenever i try to sleep or closing my eyes, some random thoughts in my head appearing and then i feel some mini panic attack or shocking feeling then my hands become sweaty and i feel soooo nervous. Is this really anxiety?? What should i do? Have any of you ever experience this feeling?

02-14-2014, 04:23 AM
aaaannndddd my heart is beating fast everytime since tuesday when i first experienced this anxiety feeling

02-14-2014, 08:24 AM
What should you do?????
1. Therapy.
2. Councelor.
3. See a Doc.
4. Get some meds.
5. Start getting your life back on track now while you're still 17!...I recall another one of your posts I think, lets try to get this under control NOW...rather than years later...

Have a great day bruh!


02-14-2014, 08:27 AM
ok mannn thanks!!

02-14-2014, 08:45 AM
Get it under your own control asap friend,...let's work on this, discuss this with your parents, then take the next steps towards your recovery!!! YAY!!!


02-14-2014, 09:04 AM
I already told my parents about this. Maybe we'll see my doc next week! Thanks bro!

02-14-2014, 09:08 AM
THAT would be great!! And, get a referral to a councelor or therapist too bruh...and of course, hang around here as we'll help you the best we can too...:D


02-14-2014, 09:18 AM
Sure!! Thank you so much. You guys are awesome :)