View Full Version : Need help!

New User 2014
02-13-2014, 09:10 PM
I've had Panic, Depression & OCD for 14 years, in that time I have lost my entire life, I can barely leave the house, lost everything else (relationship, friends etc)

In those years though I did get my life back after a major panic attack that landed me in the hospital, I couldn't be alone, never, I moved in with my mom who became my safe person, where I went she went. I completed 2 CBT courses & with the help of my mother I got most of my life back, I could leave the house alone, drive by myself etc. Now, years later I am stuck again, except now I live with my dad, more supportive but works daily, leaving me lonely & extremely bored on a daily basis.

Right now I am on a cocktail consisting of

1. Effexor 375mgs (newly prescribed 3 months ago)

2. Remeron 45mgs

3. Clonidine .6mgs

4. Clonazepam 3mgs per day (although I take more if outside & I feel an attack coming on)

Tomorrow I have to tell my psychiatrist if I want to continue on the Effexor or try something new, I've been on it for 3 months, 3 weeks ago I was severely depressed & suicidal, daily thoughts of suicide, that has passed, my main question is "should I feel triggers of anxiety as soon as I leave the house if the Effexor is working?"

As soon as I walk out the door I feel butterflies in my stomach, soon if the anxiety worsens I get sweaty hands & then I reach for another Clonazepam, which I take 3 of 3 hours prior to leaving my house for any reason, I do this so that the Clonazepam has had enough time to be in full effect, so that adds to my frustration, I am on 3mgs of Clonazepam prior to leaving the house & yet the second out the door I feel anxious, this is while being accompanied by my father who has become my safe person.

I see my dr every 2 weeks, and when I do this I have support workers drive me there, because these workers aren't my "SAFE" person I take up to 10mgs of Clonazepam, again up to 3 hours before my appointment, I realize this is a lot, but it gets me there & back. I worry that I will become tolerant of even this high of a dose.

My main question is should I change my Effexor for something else? My OCD is out of control, although I can live with that, my depression really relies on my boredom level daily, but my anxiety requires 3mgs of Clonazepam just to leave the house, with me usually reaching for more as needed, I used to have a life, anxiety would rise I would take a xanax or clonazepam & that would do me for the day, just 1 & that was in a matter of once a month, not 3 a day or more everyday.

Should the Effexor be doing more to lessen the anxiety? any help is greatly appreciated....

New User 2014
02-14-2014, 01:28 PM
dr changed Effexor to 300mgs

02-14-2014, 01:31 PM
When I was on Effexor, I still felt triggers but the med really helped control the reaction to the triggers

Effexor was far and away the thing that worked best for me.

Hope the increased dosage takes those triggers away for ya

02-14-2014, 01:50 PM
If you read around the forums abit today you'll notice that a medication that works beautifully for me, made Frankie deathly sick...(Abilify).
I had sooooo hoped that this medication would help her to forget that she had the issues that she struggles with..it didn't, it made them worse...and
I feel terrible about that too..What works for one, makes another want to throw in towel....our body chemistry is unique to each of us.
I lovvvveeeee the Abilify, it changed my life in a positive way and I havent felt this good in 46 years...I didnt know what a "normal" life was like...

Now, I will say that the (Effexor) has been noted frequently as to cause "internal energy" in many many users and patients in the pasts.
Kind of falls in the energy boosting catagory as far as anti-depressants go...yet some do very very well on it (Nixon).
I would say YES, after this period of time you should know whether its going to be a "calming" AD, or an "energy" producing AD...
It appears that you personally, do not need more energy or internal energy considering the Klonopin use...to calm you down...
IMHO...I would either stop it, slowly....or switch to another more callllmmmiinnnnggg AD like maybe (Zoloft or Prozac) as those tend to also help with anxiety (somehow).
ORRRRRR switch over to an anti-psychotic (like I take) to see if that would help you even more..it does me!!..I am HIGH ENERGY and the AP levels me out AND
removes all social anxieties and anxiety and panic too...I can go to Walmart now, when I couldn't...
Maybe low dose (25mgs) Seroquel would help or even (2mg) Abilify may be the ticket for you...since we're talking meds.

I lovvveeeee the other (3) that you're taking...and would not change them, in your case...
Just need that added little kick, but not a kick to anxiety....(Seroquel or Abilify).....

THESE ARE JUST MY OPINIONS, NO IM NOT A DOCTOR...just dealt with all this for a very very long time. (46 years).

There's my thoughts friend!!


New User 2014
02-14-2014, 02:55 PM
thanks for the replies