View Full Version : because my body is rude and I don't wanna ask my Dr.

02-13-2014, 02:31 PM
I have been having strange feelings in my legs, I first thought it was poor circulation, but now Its happening so often I doubt that's it. They feel kind of tingly, yet..not tingly. Just like the insides of my legs need to stop being crazy, hahaha. Its so frustrating...is it rls?? Restless leg syndrome? I feel like since my nervous system is being a crazy fool it's not far outside the realm of possibilities. I think my body has an agreement with me, if I get used to and conquer one thing, it'll bring me another, until I fully deal with my stress, panic, ptsd. And such. Input? :)

02-13-2014, 02:34 PM
stop googling. i used to have that when i was normal and i still do so.etimes now and every human has it.stop being obsessed and googling girl. or u will end up believing everything there.

02-13-2014, 02:37 PM
I didn't Google it, It is just a persistent thing that won't go away. :/ it's very bothersome. Just wanting to know if anyone else has rls and if this is what I'm experiencing. If I can target it, and know what it is...I may be able to reduce the symptoms from it, because it is driving me nuts, thanks though, Google is an awful thing lol

02-13-2014, 02:38 PM
It sounds kinda like RLS

Magnesium and a banana helped when I had some. I get it if I train too hard. Just when you need extra rest, I get that and can't sit still.

Stupid body :)

02-13-2014, 02:40 PM
My oldest daughter has RLS...Yes, it is a pain in her ass. Her leg or legs won't stop moving, and she has a hard time sleeping because of it. She tried Abilify, and Requip but neither of those worked. She now take a small dose of Seroquel and that has it under control. She also had severe anxiety too...that has since lessened also..


02-13-2014, 02:42 PM
How dumb!! Lol, I have been doing a lot of spinach and bananas lately, hopefully it will make a difference, It was just at night but now it's roaring it's ugly head during the day,and my anxiety is 79 percent better than when I started here. But I still don't think my body has has enough time to.calm my nerves down. I feel like I punch myself in the legs. That'd get me a quick trip to the psych ward though, :/ I understand how mental illness can go that far, and I have so much sympathy for people now

02-13-2014, 02:43 PM
I'm sorry to hear that e man, it has to.be stress related..I never had It before, but it surely is driving me up a wall. I'm glad she found something to give her releif. Even a little.

02-13-2014, 02:45 PM
Haha 79% better? How'd you get such a precise figure?

Yeah RLS sucks. If you get it at night too, it sounds very likely it's that.

Anyone will tell you it's infuriating!! :)

Lack of vits and minerals can cause it (iron espec) but you seem to eat really healthy.

You think it's stress caused?

02-13-2014, 02:46 PM
Damn Eman, my dad was the same, luckily it sort of just resolved for him. Glad she found something that worked!

02-13-2014, 02:49 PM
CC's started when her anxiety started to hit full force at about age 15...stress related and maybe also related to poor eating habits as well..She's 22 and eats junkfood still I think. Doesn't eat like me that's for sure..


02-13-2014, 02:49 PM
tie those legs girl or ducktape them :p

02-13-2014, 02:54 PM
From what you are describing, it sounds like restless leg syndrome. My dad has RLS.. usually happens at night, always when trying to sleep.

When he was at the hospital a few years ago and was bed ridden for a few days, they hooked up these things to your calves that would pump air (kinda like a blood pressure cuff, except it fits the entire calf) to help prevent blood clots.. he said he wished he could take to machine home with him because it really helped his RLS, lol.

Got anyone to massage your legs ? ..that can really help!

02-13-2014, 03:08 PM
I always have restless legs...well restless everytyhing. I can never ever ever sit still. I fidget constantly, sway, bob my legs up n down and get extremly hyper at random intervals. I just got used to it to be honest. Having lots of energy is a positive thing if you want it to be. Plus fidgeting keeps you skinny, i'm sure of it :P


02-13-2014, 03:39 PM
One of those leg compression things at the hospital sounds amazing!!I think I might go get compression socks. Lol anything to stop the madness. At least it gives me something else to think about.lol thanks guys always so helpful.