View Full Version : depersonalization and derealization?

02-12-2014, 03:31 PM
Sometimes I wonder if I truly have dp and dr. I mean if I have to even ask then surely I don't have it right? Mines is not where the world looks distorted as far as shape, color etc. I have dp as in I am hyper aware that I am in my own body. Like hyper aware that I am a person and a body, etc. Sometimes I will literally feel stuck or trapped in my body. I have existential thoughts with this like how did I get in my body and not a different one. With the dr it's like people look regular except mentally (in my own mind) they seem weird. Like they just seem like bodies. When I have this I also think how did they get in their bodies. They just seem like just bodies with no other attachment. It's really creepy and hard to explain. But I wonder if it's just me overanalyzing people. I also am a nursing student and it's like I know all the stuff that can go wrong with the body and I think that's where the disconnect is, in that we are here one day and can be gone at anytime. It's like I know a person is in there but it seems like their body is hiding them. Really really weird and scary!!

02-12-2014, 03:52 PM
Hmm. Though one. I have dr/dp but I don't see the world like distorted. I have a feeling that I don't exist and that I'm not in my body. It's a feeling. When I look myself in the mirror, it's like it's not me. This happens only when it's extreme tho. I also get existential thoughts alot. If you feel stuck or trapped in your body, then it's not dp (I think). It could be only dr but very mild. On the other hand, you're maybe just paranoid. Just don't think about it and it'll fade away or you'll get used to it.

02-12-2014, 07:55 PM
i been having that and came up with a theory of my own. see it all starts as a chemical thing after a period of stress and anxiety and panics. so it is a symptom of anxiety.when anxious we become slaves of it and tend to feed it with something. it is normal that our perception of the world changes and we feel different coz our chemicals say so. it all starts as this and gets locked into the brain as e form of obsessive thought. i find meds really helpful with thisone coz they kill the source,anxiety. also u have to work with yourself.

02-12-2014, 07:59 PM
They are apparently two separate disorders, one is a long term type of emotional disassociation type disorder, and the other is like an attack of anxiety.. Though I know I deal more with the dp anxiety attacks, I would bet I do have a form of avoidance behavior due to having social anxiety.

There is a guy named Harris Harrington who has some videos up on youtube, and has written articles about DP, and it's worth watching, and reading, as he clued me into a few really eye-opening clues about dp..they were quite helpful. He wants you to buy his tapes/books, you don't have to do that (unless you want to), but watching a video or two of his on youtube can be time well spent if you suffer this disorder.