View Full Version : Freaking out ... Anyone there?

02-11-2014, 02:31 AM
Woke up at 4 to my heart pounding... Shot up because I was gasping for air. Every time i feel myself dose off it actually feelsl like my heart is stopping! Ugh that plus feeling like I can't breathe is awful :( I'm starting to feel tingly too ;( it's so uncomfortable and scary! I hate this. Ughh I wanna go to the hospital .(

02-11-2014, 02:43 AM
Hello there is this hopefully normal, breathe in and Slowly exhale,you don't need to go to the hospital,your going to be fine

02-11-2014, 02:43 AM
Woke up at 4 to my heart pounding... Shot up because I was gasping for air. Every time i feel myself dose off it actually feelsl like my heart is stopping! Ugh that plus feeling like I can't breathe is awful :( I'm starting to feel tingly too ;( it's so uncomfortable and scary! I hate this. Ughh I wanna go to the hospital .(

Leah I completely understand you, you need to relax and take a small xanax or ativan or something small. Maybe even playing with your cat or puppy, just something to get off your mind. Stay away from trigger objects (Only YOU know what those are!!).

I would get mines so bad especially while im standing in line at the hardware store there would be a hard thud or like a stoppage of heart beating and i would get nausea and dizziness. But just tell your self to relax. Find a place of emptiness and where you can be alone and un bothered.
Going to the doctor will just let you know that the GP think you are crazy you should just stay away from tthem until your completely dead and gone...LOL Sorry drunk rant

Keep real good triggers by your side like flies on poop

FOr real Leah please relax and donot overreact, because we know how much overacting causes bad situations... If you have an emergency Leah then go, If you can relax and calm done then even better.... Good Luck!!!!!

02-11-2014, 02:43 AM
Don't worry about this, it is very common with people with anxiety. Its called a hypnic jerk, I've dealt with your exact symptom before and when I stopped giving it power, it slowed down and stopped. You'll be fine: )

02-11-2014, 02:56 AM
I feel like I can feel a really bad panic attack coming on... I'm starting to tingle and I can't breathe... My heart is racing so badly ugh I'm getting so upset I hate this anxiety shit so much :(

02-11-2014, 02:59 AM
Leah I completely understand you, you need to relax and take a small xanax or ativan or something small. Maybe even playing with your cat or puppy, just something to get off your mind. Stay away from trigger objects (Only YOU know what those are!!). I would get mines so bad especially while im standing in line at the hardware store there would be a hard thud or like a stoppage of heart beating and i would get nausea and dizziness. But just tell your self to relax. Find a place of emptiness and where you can be alone and un bothered. Going to the doctor will just let you know that the GP think you are crazy you should just stay away from tthem until your completely dead and gone...LOL Sorry drunk rant Keep real good triggers by your side like flies on poop FOr real Leah please relax and donot overreact, because we know how much overacting causes bad situations... If you have an emergency Leah then go, If you can relax and calm done then even better.... Good Luck!!!!!

Thank you thank you... Your message is giving me some relief and actually made me laugh for a second there 👍

02-11-2014, 03:00 AM
Don't worry about this, it is very common with people with anxiety. Its called a hypnic jerk, I've dealt with your exact symptom before and when I stopped giving it power, it slowed down and stopped. You'll be fine: )

It's nice to know someone else has experienced this... It's such a horrible feeling. I hate when my anxiety symptoms are heart related because it seems so much scarier. :(

02-11-2014, 03:07 AM
It's nice to know someone else has experienced this... It's such a horrible feeling. I hate when my anxiety symptoms are heart related because it seems so much scarier. :(

Let me tell you Leah heart symptoms are the absolute worst, especially when they have done all normal test to see what is going on. If you have gotten an OK from any Cardiologist or GP or whatever, GEEEV EM! Run up mountain, sky dive, parasail, etc if something where to happen you definitely will notice it on Mt Rushmore ;)

02-11-2014, 03:23 AM
Let me tell you Leah heart symptoms are the absolute worst, especially when they have done all normal test to see what is going on. If you have gotten an OK from any Cardiologist or GP or whatever, GEEEV EM! Run up mountain, sky dive, parasail, etc if something where to happen you definitely will notice it on Mt Rushmore ;)

Yeah they really are :( I just wanna punch myself in the chest and tell myself to chill the f out... They're feeling a little better but I'm feeling short of breath now too. It's so frustrating because it's five am and I'm exhausted and just want to sleep but I can't :( and tv is awful at 5 which isn't helping lol

02-11-2014, 03:26 AM
Yeah they really are :( I just wanna punch myself in the chest and tell myself to chill the f out... They're feeling a little better but I'm feeling short of breath now too. It's so frustrating because it's five am and I'm exhausted and just want to sleep but I can't :( and tv is awful at 5 which isn't helping lol

Th TV is aweful at 5? LOL you made me laugh. Well everyone around here is out cold and its 12:23 AM and I work at 6. and it doesn't look like im going to sleep soon so i'll be your night owl buddy :)

02-11-2014, 03:36 AM
Th TV is aweful at 5? LOL you made me laugh. Well everyone around here is out cold and its 12:23 AM and I work at 6. and it doesn't look like im going to sleep soon so i'll be your night owl buddy :)

Sometimes when you're anxious at night it helps just knowing other people are awake, ya know? Or maybe it's just me lol.. I just took half a Xanax so hopefully that will help me sleep or at least stop me from freaking out :) I guess I'll know for sure in a half hour or so!

02-11-2014, 03:45 AM
Sometimes when you're anxious at night it helps just knowing other people are awake, ya know? Or maybe it's just me lol.. I just took half a Xanax so hopefully that will help me sleep or at least stop me from freaking out :) I guess I'll know for sure in a half hour or so!

My main thing growing up as a kid was needing to have someone up with me, even if they aren't in the same room. I had a major fear of being alone. Which ultimately turned into a little old Anxiety problem... But hey thats why were here. I'm here for ya Leah ;)

02-11-2014, 03:48 AM
I think the good thing about this forum is that people are all over the world so ti

02-11-2014, 03:49 AM
So there is always someone awake
In from London uk so it's morning here 10.50

02-11-2014, 11:47 AM
My main thing growing up as a kid was needing to have someone up with me, even if they aren't in the same room. I had a major fear of being alone. Which ultimately turned into a little old Anxiety problem... But hey thats why were here. I'm here for ya Leah ;)

I seriously have the same exact problem! It sucks. So happy I found this forum though, it's so weird for me to know other people feel the same way. Thanks for being a night owl with me last night! I got distracted and finally fell asleep

02-11-2014, 11:48 AM
So there is always someone awake In from London uk so it's morning here 10.50

I totally agree! It's comforting knowing there's always someone here to talk. :)