View Full Version : Really nervous about going out

02-10-2014, 08:44 PM
On my way out right now with my boyfriend and our friends, I'm really nervous because the last time we all went out to this bar I had a really bad panic attack and my friend had to calm me down while I took a Xanax... I just don't wanna miss out on stuff because of my anxiety but I'm really nervous I'm going of feel that way again and freak out :( wish me luck! xo

02-11-2014, 12:18 PM
How did it go? X

02-11-2014, 01:39 PM
If you don't feel well don't go out, but make sure you don't make a habit of associating going out with a panic attack, that's a hard road to go down.

02-11-2014, 02:06 PM
I know how you feel, at times my anxiety is so bad, I hate going out to restaurants, I feel so trapped. Some things that may help you a bit are tighting up your muscles, like really tightening them for as long as you can hold it, then release, to try and relax your body.. Also, you could try going out on a walk a few hours before you go, get yourself a bit worn out, one thing that makes anxiety lose it's fire is true tiredness..

Now I know that some moderate sleep deprivation can CAUSE anxiety, but when you are really, really tired, it's more difficult to get as anxious, that is one of the beautiful things about sleep deprivation, your mind and body's primary need is sleep, it hasn't got time for too much more bullshit (like anxiety). That is why benzos like Xanax and Ativan make you tired and drowsy and ready for sleep, but they really are speeding up the process of something you can do naturally by getting sleepy after a long day of some exercise.

Kyle Morgan
02-11-2014, 02:21 PM
I think if you feel like it, then try to push yourself to go out because the worst thing to do is to stay in because sometimes it can make you worry more. Try to talk to your friends and boyfriend about it, it's a good thing they know because they can help you out. Sometimes when you're out enjoying yourself too the panics can disappear because you're not focusing on them. If you're inside you can sometimes dwell on them and get negative thoughts. So it's best to go out and have a bit of fun!! Hope everything went well if you went out, if not then don't worry because at least you're pushing yourself by going out. :)

02-13-2014, 12:26 AM
Thanks everyone! I actually ended up having a great time and wasn't anxious :)

Well... Until I got home and into bed. But that's normal for me lol

Terre Nova
02-13-2014, 12:49 AM
Thanks everyone! I actually ended up having a great time and wasn't anxious :)

Well... Until I got home and into bed. But that's normal for me lol

Well we can lullaby each other to sleep! Hehehaha

Terre Nova
02-13-2014, 12:50 AM
If you don't feel well don't go out, but make sure you don't make a habit of associating going out with a panic attack, that's a hard road to go down.

Hey, PM me! Lol
I'm a WestCoaster.. Let me hear the about the amazing beautiful home i'm missing! <3

02-13-2014, 03:32 AM
Well we can lullaby each other to sleep! Hehehaha

Lol seriously though!! It's 530 am and I'm still wide awake. Blah!