View Full Version : For anyone in Australia...

02-10-2014, 08:39 PM
Can you suggest a good natural or herbal supplement for anxiety?

Thank you

02-12-2014, 01:43 AM
I'll just go get the one that works for me ... BRB ...

Righto - NUTRA-LIFE Valerian 2000 Complex:


I have success with one tablet ... I use it with herbal tea! I have since learned that herbs are more effective when combined with various other herbs. The art of synergy and herbs :) Another factor is also to source out the best organic suppliers or possible grow the root yourself. I am not quite there yet, but it is on my list of to do for a new hobby!

Other factors I try to consider is not to have no caffeine after the morning is gone - try to take it on a mildly empty stomach as well - meaning not that your are too hungry, but having a full stomach is not a good thing at all! I will have early dinner - or as early as possible - try soups if your not used to it ----

Other is also not to use it Every Night! I use it mostly no more closer than say 3 nights apart with all of the above as mentioned. That way, the lower dose remains effective and I am not reliant on it. For main stay during other nights I am not so anxious I will just stick with using Chamomile, lemon balm - and if I could grow some - mixing lemon balm with lavender flowers WORKS AWESOME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A sure fire way to further enhance the effects of herbs is to limit eating processed foods and getting a little mild exercise and sun into the scheme of things.

That's my advice .........
PS --------- I highly recommend the following book:

You could just go by everyone replies, but I suggest if you want to go the route of herbs, you should study up on nutrition in general / raw foods and how it all works. You cant just pop herbs like pills and expect them to work like other drugs - but the rewards with using herbs is much less detrimental. There still are warnings - and in fact pharmaceuticals with hype the fear with some herbs and Ban the really good/dangerous ones. :)

I also find some really good vids on Youtube relating to Medical herbs. For depression and anxiety as well - you just have to sort through all the techno babel -

Another key word is "adaptogenic" herbs.

Good Luck ............

06-24-2014, 02:21 AM
I know the one herbal supplement and you can order it online also, named Sumenta herbal supplement my aunt using it after death of her big son she was very depressed. But from days she is behaving like earlier and we are so happy for her....