View Full Version : So paranoid about everything! :(

02-10-2014, 10:14 AM
As I've mentioned in my previous posts, I got my anxiety from drugs. It didn't induce it, but it kind of brought it up. So, now I can't eat or drink anything that can be bad for my anxiety. I'm very paranoid to everything. I can't drink coffe and sodas anymore. Because caffeine and aspartame is bad. But, I challenged myself and drank 1 soda. I completly freaked out. I got that derealization/depersonalization feeling and I started to panic. I'm sensitive to everything. The only thing I drink right now is water and my protein shakes(because I have to). I can't eat anything with sugar in it too. Or too much salt. And if I do, I'll start panic as if it's as strong as drugs. It's kinda good in one way, but I can't limit myself like this. I can barely eat any candy or chocolate. I LOVE COCOLATE!! :(

Will this go over? Or do I need to challenge myself through everything? Before I got this, I used to drink everything from alcohol to pre-workouts. And I would barely feel anything.

02-10-2014, 10:15 AM
This is the reason why I don't take any meds.

02-10-2014, 10:18 AM
You need Remeron....ever tried it?...

What med caused all this panic all the time????

02-10-2014, 10:28 AM
Remeron? Never heard of it,

The "holy" plant, mary jane, marijuana.

02-10-2014, 10:29 AM
You need Remeron....ever tried it?...

What med caused all this panic all the time????

you gotta do something man. i went to the doc today and she told me that it is all a form of obsession. even my stupid idea of being blind. apparently our brain chemistry is so fucked up tend to believe and worry to much. i am calmer now and i think i see and i am feeling well again.meds really are helping me.it is another thing that i mess with my head. but if u dont thing stupid things meds really help. if you feel dp and dr, but u know that it is real and you are you it is all an obsession. like many here worry about they have a heart problem but they dont. it is same man. just do something each time of the day. i almost lost it with my stupid idea, but when i do something i dont think of that anymore. it takes time and patiente.but keep this in mind it is all a fucked up brain chemistry.

02-10-2014, 10:35 AM
you gotta do something man. i went to the doc today and she told me that it is all a form of obsession. even my stupid idea of being blind. apparently our brain chemistry is so fucked up tend to believe and worry to much. i am calmer now and i think i see and i am feeling well again.meds really are helping me.it is another thing that i mess with my head. but if u dont thing stupid things meds really help. if you feel dp and dr, but u know that it is real and you are you it is all an obsession. like many here worry about they have a heart problem but they dont. it is same man. just do something each time of the day. i almost lost it with my stupid idea, but when i do something i dont think of that anymore. it takes time and patiente.but keep this in mind it is all a fucked up brain chemistry.

Haha yeah. I know that one 33 cl cola won't harm me in any way. But, just because it has aspartame in it, I feel like I've been drinking poison and I'm about to die. Aaaand I go full panic-mode. I'm very paranoid and I've always been.

02-10-2014, 10:41 AM
As I've mentioned in my previous posts, I got my anxiety from drugs. It didn't induce it, but it kind of brought it up. So, now I can't eat or drink anything that can be bad for my anxiety. I'm very paranoid to everything. I can't drink coffe and sodas anymore. Because caffeine and aspartame is bad. But, I challenged myself and drank 1 soda. I completly freaked out. I got that derealization/depersonalization feeling and I started to panic. I'm sensitive to everything. The only thing I drink right now is water and my protein shakes(because I have to). I can't eat anything with sugar in it too. Or too much salt. And if I do, I'll start panic as if it's as strong as drugs. It's kinda good in one way, but I can't limit myself like this. I can barely eat any candy or chocolate. I LOVE COCOLATE!! :( Will this go over? Or do I need to challenge myself through everything? Before I got this, I used to drink everything from alcohol to pre-workouts. And I would barely feel anything.

Just keep in mind that none of those things you are sensitive to are what make you panic

The soda doesn't cause the physical symptoms. The anxiety of it does

You panic because you think you will be sensitive to them and that makes you anxious

Anxiety builds up worrying and than boom

I am sure its possible that the weed caused this before but really rare

I would be more inclined to believe that you smoked and got scared of what might happen while high

Than provoked anxiety and ultimately a panic attack

It wasn't the weed itself but the thoughts about it while stoned

02-10-2014, 10:48 AM
Just keep in mind that none of those things you are sensitive to are what make you panic

The soda doesn't cause the physical symptoms. The anxiety of it does

You panic because you think you will be sensitive to them and that makes you anxious

Anxiety builds up worrying and than boom

I am sure its possible that the weed caused this before but really rare

I would be more inclined to believe that you smoked and got scared of what might happen while high

Than provoked anxiety and ultimately a panic attack

It wasn't the weed itself but the thoughts about it while stoned

Yes, yes and yes. This is exactly what's happening. And this is exactly what happened when I smoked. I was nervous and the anxiety build up and boom. Although, I DID have too much weed. It only made it easier for me to panic. Thank you for explaining this. But how do I deal with this damn thing?

02-10-2014, 10:49 AM
Haha yeah. I know that one 33 cl cola won't harm me in any way. But, just because it has aspartame in it, I feel like I've been drinking poison and I'm about to die. Aaaand I go full panic-mode. I'm very paranoid and I've always been.

i bet u are a science guy and you want to find an explanation for everything, and you google to find it. or ask people for something reasonable. just like me. so this should be your statement and you must memorize it. IT IS ALL A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE. IT WILL TAKE ITS PLACE. coz thats all it is. just messed up hormones. too much stress kills hormones. u start feeling unreal, not yourself. and because your logical part is not working, your irrational part tends to believe it. look at me, i woke up one day and said maybe i am blind, damn i am not. and i know that i am not, but somehow that idea made me worse. today i met my doc and explained this to me. also a family member said the same things. until the chemical imbalance is fixed, our mind will work unlogically. see meds come in here, also how u think of things.anxiety needs to feed itself, and what is its drug? irrational, fearful and stupid ideas. can u stop them, hell yes. so either get some meds, or if u dont please continue some therapy or talk to others about how u feel. but to real persons face to face not here. ok man?

02-10-2014, 10:50 AM
Btw, what's the difference between being paranoid and anxious? Isn't it the same thing almost?

02-10-2014, 10:52 AM
Just keep in mind that none of those things you are sensitive to are what make you panic

The soda doesn't cause the physical symptoms. The anxiety of it does

You panic because you think you will be sensitive to them and that makes you anxious

Anxiety builds up worrying and than boom

I am sure its possible that the weed caused this before but really rare

I would be more inclined to believe that you smoked and got scared of what might happen while high

Than provoked anxiety and ultimately a panic attack

It wasn't the weed itself but the thoughts about it while stoned

no man when u smoke to much weed and not got used to u will panic no matter. i used to smoke too for a good time, but then i smoked too much once and lost if for 4 hours. so weed made that for me. the stupid thing is smoking again after getting better. even the idea might get you to symptomps.

02-10-2014, 10:53 AM
Btw, what's the difference between being paranoid and anxious? Isn't it the same thing almost?

u dont need more info.stop it right there. who cares man who cares? if u know that that will lead to another quwstion and so on. stop it there. what did u do today man just to change conversation

02-10-2014, 10:57 AM
u dont need more info.stop it right there. who cares man who cares? if u know that that will lead to another quwstion and so on. stop it there. what did u do today man just to change conversation

Ah, true. I'll hit the gym for now.

02-10-2014, 10:58 AM
Yes, yes and yes. This is exactly what's happening. And this is exactly what happened when I smoked. I was nervous and the anxiety build up and boom. Although, I DID have too much weed. It only made it easier for me to panic. Thank you for explaining this. But how do I deal with this damn thing?

You deal with it the same way that everyone here needs to

By dealing with the anxiety issue of not reacting to negative thoughts when Anxiety tells you to

That is what an anxiety disorder is

Having real fear over false information after you have a negative thought or physical symptom

Passing thought or odd pain > Brain takes it in > Anxiety grabs the thought > Tells you something is there to fear > Fight or flight kicks in > Panic attack > Start a new thread on how you panicked

The same fu$kin thing over and over and over

The cycle just needs to be stopped when the brain takes it in

02-10-2014, 11:02 AM
Passing thought or odd pain > Brain takes it in > Anxiety grabs the thought > Tells you something is there to fear > Fight or flight kicks in > Panic attack > Start a new thread on how you panicked

The same fu$kin thing over and over and over

The cycle just needs to be stopped when the brain takes it in

And......the method to stop this would be???? Medication and a therapists....because many of us just can't stop it.

Great post Nixon!


02-10-2014, 11:10 AM
And......the method to stop this would be???? Medication and a therapists....because many of us just can't stop it.

Great post Nixon!


Yes the meds. Meds helped me stop enough to wrap my head around that philosophy and begin to work things out

Therapists sucked for me

02-10-2014, 11:16 AM
Nixon, you're explaining everything so good. But I do know this. I'm asking for some method or something to make it easier to not let the anxiety "grab the thought".

Medication will affect my body and my mind. It's going to make me easily anxious and I'll easily panic. Therapists seems to be suicidal themselves :/

02-10-2014, 11:28 AM
Nixon, you're explaining everything so good. But I do know this. I'm asking for some method or something to make it easier to not let the anxiety "grab the thought".

Medication will affect my body and my mind. It's going to make me easily anxious and I'll easily panic. Therapists seems to be suicidal themselves :/

It is virtually impossible to find a way to make anxiety not "grab the thought" if you are stressed or high strung from the anxiety

That would be like kicking a bees nest before trying to get some honey from the hive without getting stung

Ive tried to reason with angry bees and those bastards just won't listen to reason. Neither will your mind if it is always under attack by fight or flight

Medication will affect your mind and maybe your body a little

Have you tried a SSRI before?

I understand your reluctance to medicate. I was the same for years prior to using them

I will say that I would not have beaten this without them but that is just me

I could never stay calm for any long period of time in order to breakdown and understand the cycle

Benzos at first. then Effexor 150mg.

I kow that some people have used natural healing things and meditation to get your mind where it needs to be

Those people are better than I at slowing things down and I admire them

Lots of people come off the meds. Lots don't

Who cares. Beats feeling like you are and I would bet you would do almost anything to get this to stop at this point

02-10-2014, 11:51 AM
Awesome posts bruh!! ^^^^^ kicking a bees nest and waiting for the honey to come out!!! LMAO!! :)