View Full Version : Scared...will this ever be over?

03-05-2008, 05:25 PM
I'm back here again and I thought I fully recovered from panic and anxiety but it has somehow turned its ugly head on me once again. I'm going through a stressful period in my life right now. I'm a college student and I take three rigorous science courses and a spanish class that require a lot of my time. In addition, I have to volunteer twice a week to satisfy my course requirements and I work on the weekends. Also, I'm responsible for myself financially and I am going through a number of family issues- my mother is sick, they are going through financial troubles, etc. I barely have time for myself and there are a lot of pressures that I have to face.
I got my first panic attack last year and have went through hell and back. I haven't had a huge panic attack in almost a year, but yesterday in Spanish class and today in organic chem class, I felt the most overwhelming panic. My face tightened, my vision was hazy, and my heart was beating so fast. I ran out of my spanish class and I know the only way to overcome this fear is to not run away or not toavoid that places you panic but I couldn't help it. When it happened in chem class, it was horrible but I sat through it even though I just wanted to leave so bad. Now, it just seems to have to started all over again and I'm scared that I will have to go through the same episodes of panic again since I have an extremely busy schedule until the end of the semester. I worked so hard to incorporate relaxation in my life but it seems like the anxiety is winning. I don't want this to take over my life again.

03-07-2008, 02:13 PM
HI PP33,

I experienced the exact same thing, after my first panic attack years ago (on a plane!!) from holiday, I had been worried about something constantly on holiday that tore me to pieces, I managed it despite not being able to eat, recourring attacks etc.

I came to London to start ay university this year, and ive noticed the increase in anxiety (at first panic attacks), iscolation is the worst for me, being a house on my own the lonliness of it all is the main aspect..

But i agree there is nothing worse then having severe anxiety, in a place such as a classroom...where u need to be near an exit ect...

That whole...clamy hand, dizzyness experience is not fun at all is it?

How are you coping now?
I do as much exercise as i can, and think positively :)

03-10-2008, 04:23 AM
Hi PP33

Read my post, it may be of some help X