View Full Version : Embarrassing manifestations of anxiety

02-09-2014, 08:02 PM
Hi guys,

I've had social anxiety for 8 years or so, but felt largely in control of everything for some time.

Something really weird has been happening lately though, and it's pretty embarrassing.. throughout my years of anxiety, the physical symptoms manifested in my nether regions. For a while whenever I got anxious I had the urgent need to pee, another time I had random sensations of wet pants, trouble peeing etc.. but they were all years ago. Now though, I get really bad shrinkage whenever I get anxious, which makes it pretty awkward in some situations. It's literally like I've just jumped in an ice bath. Really bad.

I'm not sure why its happening, particularly now. Life isn't anymore stressful than usual, so its weird for a symptom like this to show up all of a sudden.

Has anyone had similar experiences? Did anything help etc?