View Full Version : My first post...and my issue with anxiety and vacations...

02-09-2014, 09:34 AM
Hi there. I'm a 37 year old male happily married with 2 adorable little tots, but I have suffered from GAD for almost 8 years now. It has been well controlled by medication, but occasionally I'm hit with anxiety related to sleep. I seriously have a phobia of not getting enough sleep which in turn sometimes leads to me having anxiety when I try to sleep. Usually 1 or 2 Xanax will help me out, but last night it didn't at all.

See, this week my family and I are headed on a vacation ski trip to Colorado. Tickets are purchased, and the entire vacation plan is paid for. I am super excited about going, as we all are.

But that's not my issue. For the past few weeks since we booked it, I began to put a little pressure on me getting a good night sleep prior to the trip. If I don't get that good sleep, especially prior to the trip, I am going to ruin it for me and for my entire family. I have to sleep well leading up to it, or it's going to be a disaster. And that is where the anxiety hits me. Last night, I was up till probably 3 despite 1.5 MG of Xanax. I got just a couple of hours of sleep, and I have 3 more nights until the plane right.

I absolutely HATE this about myself. Losing sleep to me because I am excited about a trip maybe the night before seems totally legit. But losing sleep 4 days prior because I have put pressure on myself to sleep is just plain dumb. My wife doesn't understand why I do this, but it's not something I can help. I have go get therapy but every therapist I get recommended doesn't take my insurance. Eventually I will find someone, but for now I've got to just keep trodding along getting insufficient sleep until I actually make it out to Colorado, where I will probably sleep like a baby once I am there.

Does anyone else have this ridiculous fear of not sleeping enough?

02-09-2014, 12:15 PM
I don't know why I'm not seeing all the new posts so sorry for taking 3 hours to get here.
Not real sure why you have soooo much apprehension this far in advance???
Lower your expectations, everything is already done bruh..Maybe take something else along with the xanax too.
It sounds as if maybe youre building a "tolerance" to the xanax and the mgs aren't quit enough.
I used to take 6 benedryl, ALONG with 3 mgs of xanax, just to sleep...not anymore.
That was during a very stressful time many years ago...
Yes, a lack of sleep will disturb many things in one's life.....
