View Full Version : Think Im going to Start Seriously Self-Medicating

02-09-2014, 08:42 AM
Pot, alcohol...I'm even considering opiates of some kind. Before anyone says anything about "that's not a solution or, you're setting yourself up for problems over long term" I want to just say that I am in such an unendurable state - w/o the aid of some kind of substance to make the pain go away...that I don't care anymore.

I just want to feel better. That's it. I really am just going out for the feelings, at this point as my life seems pretty much hopeless or un redeemable. I could really use to just feel decent at this point, if not for a short while. Any comments or suggestions?

02-09-2014, 08:45 AM

Um,..can you elaborate just abit more and explain this "pain"???...
If I can Endure what I have, then so can you....you are "Endurable"...
