View Full Version : Please...

02-09-2014, 07:40 AM
I feel so uneasy, panic attack after panic attack.. I feel like I'm going to loose control.. I'm so scared please someone help me

02-09-2014, 07:55 AM
I feel so uneasy, panic attack after panic attack.. I feel like I'm going to loose control.. I'm so scared please someone help me

Amber, you know what is happening and know that you won't lose control

We have all done this before and it always ends just fine

Emotions are running high for you now so it is understandable why you are feeling that way

This will stop as soon as you understand your emotions are causing excess worry

Anxiety is working a lie to you that you can devise to call bullshit on

02-09-2014, 07:55 AM

Chillax...Is this all caused by the same issue?? We're allllllll here for ya gurl!!!

E-Man.. :)

02-09-2014, 07:59 AM
Hi Amber, are you alone right now? Or with someone that can be with you? It helps a lot to have a person you trust next to you during this. You will get through it. Panic attacks, especially the wave after wave kind are crushing, but know it won't last forever.

02-09-2014, 08:25 AM
I'm alone... I'm scared.. I feel helpless I don't want to do this anymore.. I can't do this..

02-09-2014, 08:33 AM
Alone??? Who are we!!! We're here!! Just because we're not chasing Kangaroo Jack around with ya doesn't mean yer alone...and the BimberGbamger I saw on youtube isn't no pansy ass!!! You're not helpless, hopeless, clueless,...

You can and will do this!!...don't make me "share" my DIVORCE story again...grrrrr


02-09-2014, 08:36 AM
Eman, I don't know what's wrong with me... I'm just in a state of stress panic and turmoil... I can't shake it it's been building the past 2 days.. Panic attack after panic attack.. I'm loosing my mind, I feel at any moment I could just snap.

02-09-2014, 08:39 AM
I know I'm being stupid, I know I am.. I know it will go away, I know I'll be fine. It's just the feeling I have right now.. I can't even explain it.. To be honest I've had suicide thoughts... I don't think I'd act in it, but fuck me I havnt had that in awhile.. This is fucking crippling me..

02-09-2014, 09:09 AM
I tried to chat with you but it didn't work...Yes, it will pass, you know it will, and no...suicide isn't the fuggin answer. You are to remain strong in this whole situation as messy as it may seem...

Separation, break ups, divorce,..we've ALL been there friend...

02-09-2014, 09:31 AM
I know I'm being stupid, I know I am.. I know it will go away, I know I'll be fine. It's just the feeling I have right now.. I can't even explain it.. To be honest I've had suicide thoughts... I don't think I'd act in it, but fuck me I havnt had that in awhile.. This is fucking crippling me..

I've had that lately too...really bad yesterday...saying it is fucking crippling is a perfect description...totally debilitating...and I have a new job I'm trying to cope with.
I hope things get better for you. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you...

02-09-2014, 04:50 PM
This is why I contacted your nan. You need to talk to a real person face to face. Online forums only get you so far.