View Full Version : To pop pills or not?

02-08-2014, 03:56 PM
On here I see many people have strong views on antidepressants like ssris I can't make my mind up whether the benefits are more then the side affects.

Anyone able to persuade me???

02-08-2014, 04:05 PM
I think they are worth it, though they don't take anxiety away completely, at least you won't be dealing with symptoms of pins and needles limbs for hours afterwards and heart racing like crazy..

I will warn a panic attack while on them isn't pleasant either, but the symptoms don't linger forever on afterwards either.

02-08-2014, 04:27 PM
Because your posts are wayyyyyy different than they were 3 weeks ago!...:)

02-08-2014, 04:31 PM
Hello, On here I see many people have strong views on antidepressants like ssris I can't make my mind up whether the benefits are more then the side affects. Anyone able to persuade me???

Mike- if you are hitting a wall with other methods, then yes

Meds really don't have as many side effects a as you would think

As anxious folk, we believe symptoms of our anxiety are med side effects

They made a huge difference for me

On a side note, regarding your avatar, can you reframe the picture so the girl in the front is all we see. She's cute.

Kidding. LOL

02-08-2014, 04:57 PM
I have tried with meds and without meds and I cannot go without them. It is a choice you have to make yourself

02-08-2014, 05:42 PM
If you have got no better without meds then what have you got to lose by giving them a go?
I'm not saying you have to at all I'm just saying if you find the right one for you then it can help you so much and give you some relief
Take care :)

02-08-2014, 06:51 PM
They are definitely not going to fix your problems, I resisted them for a long time aswell, I kept talking to my sister about my anxiety, and she said I should go on them, she even offered to give me one of her friend's Xanax pills, I said no at the time, but eventually it got to the point where my anxiety was so bad, I was wanting them..but I was told from the beginning, they are not going to take the anxiety and depression away, just make it a bit easier to deal with, which is the truth.

There are sexual side effects, you can't orgasm as well (though some people I've read say you can if you tighten your muscles up), you could talk with your doctor about going on another med along with it to help you orgasm better, but how many people can afford that? and in my experience it makes you sweat profusely while having an attack, especially in the summer.. and when you have a full blown panic attack, it feels like an episode of depersonalization because you don't feel the typical accompanying symptoms of an attack, like the racing heart, tightening muscles... it feels like you're just freaking out and you don't know why..it's creepy, it's like you're looking at the world as if it's surreal or dreamlike for those few seconds..that is what I hate about a panic attack on Zoloft, but, after it's done, it's done and the uncomfortable bodily symptoms won't linger as long afterwards as I'd said on my previous post..

02-08-2014, 08:11 PM
Take them. Are you thinking suffering like this is a badge of courage? Just take what the doctor ordered. Until you don't. They work. Peace

02-09-2014, 04:30 AM
Thanks for all your replies

Well I've been on sertraline for a couple of months and I've found different reactions. Such as the sweating thing. I keep waking up sweating even tho I'm cold! And with the sexual thing the anxiety produced worrying about my sexual performance has made me such a recluse I haven't been with a girl in months. Also the mix with alcohol is bad. I find it hard to go out and drink and enjoy myself. I blame the pills but I'm not really sure. I'm at such an important stage of my life I don't want to be having all these problems but then again I'm scared to be as dangerously depressed as I was last time i was off them.


02-09-2014, 08:02 AM
Thanks for all your replies Well I've been on sertraline for a couple of months and I've found different reactions. Such as the sweating thing. I keep waking up sweating even tho I'm cold! And with the sexual thing the anxiety produced worrying about my sexual performance has made me such a recluse I haven't been with a girl in months. Also the mix with alcohol is bad. I find it hard to go out and drink and enjoy myself. I blame the pills but I'm not really sure. I'm at such an important stage of my life I don't want to be having all these problems but then again I'm scared to be as dangerously depressed as I was last time i was off them. Ahhh

Mike - the sexual performance thing could be handles with a pill, correct?

I know it's another pill but maybe until you get some confidence, it could be a backup

I don't advocate taking a SSRI or not, just say what they did for me

And if you are open enough and not too afraid of the side effects, I believe they would really help you

As you say, you are I in a great time of your life

Don't let all this nonsense affect you if there is a way to help get things back to a more normal state

02-09-2014, 08:15 AM
I'm scared to be as dangerously depressed as I was last time i was off them.


There's your answer bruh!! I remember where you were, you're in a way better place and spirit in your mind now. Proud of you dude!!!
Get some (L-Arginine) if you're concerned about the sexual thing....you won't be concerned about it anymore beyond that.


02-09-2014, 08:33 AM
I was like you in the beginning....i wasn't sure if meds were the right thing for me. Unfortunately it got to the point where my anxiety was becoming unmanageable so I decided to get onto Zoloft. I also take Buspar. I won't lie to you, it takes 4-6 weeks till you start to feel the effects of it..but once it kicks in....you start to feel more like yourself, before the anxiety disorder . I started to want to get out and do more. It won't completely stop you from worrying, but its not to the extreme level when you aren't on the med.

I still try to use other relaxation methods, breathing exercises and meditation. Im hoping one day to be able to get off the meds, but if not, then Im fine with that too.