View Full Version : Hey Gang, missed you. I need a little help!! Maybe a lot. lol.

02-08-2014, 12:15 AM
It's been a while since I've been on the board. It's been a while since I've been on the computer at all. My youngest little guy was very sick for three weeks straight, missed a lot of school, went through three different antibiotics before they could get him better. He almost caught pneumonia. Then I got very ill for two weeks, and etc.. It's not been pleasant. I'm going to shoot it straight and not beat around the bush. Things are extremely tight financially right now. I did go ahead and filed for Disability. The Ankyloling Spondolitis, and everything has got bad. I went to a regular doctor and he told me to he could not help all my issues. He said I needed an Orthopedic, Rheumatologist, Oncologist, Neurosurgeon, etc.. So I filed for Disability so I can go to the Specialists I need. I did something I haven't done in a while. I take an antidepressant, Pristiq 100mg, which is expensive, but was having help paying for it. Last month I didn't have the help and quit it cold Turkey. It is very similar to Effexor ER. You DONT stop abruptly on these. I went through five days of mental torture. I cannot even begin to tell you how bad it messed up my head. I was crying, and at one point, told my hubby I didn't want to live this way anymore. He borrowed some money and got my antidepressant which was a couple hundred, and in two days my head was back to normal. I wasn't litirelly suicidal, but thoughts of not wanting to be here and endure everything crossed my mind. I made it though. My son who is in jail has his hearing on the 18th of this month. It will depend on how much more time he will spend. He's been in for a year. He's so ready to get out and come home until he gets on his feet. He actually wants to go to college and do something in the Auto Mechanic Field. Hey, at least he has a plan and wants to do something with his life. He sounds a little vulnerable in his voice the last week. Try as I may, I have cried a little. I just couldn't control it. He is such a wonderful person. He just made some bad choices while intoxicated. I miss him, and hope he isn't sentenced for longer than what we're thinking. I'll be honest, I could use you guys right now. I'm not doing the greatest. I have to get myself together, and I'm struggling so hard. I hate the way I feel. So, I came to you guys tonight. I'm sorry for not being on the board lately. But I promise, I had my hands full of sickness. I missed you terribly. I'm not usually this blunt, but I really need a friend, or two, or 50!! lol. I just wanted you to know what was going on with me and I didn't skip out on you guys. I wish this was more positive, but that's the last feeling I have right now. Please respond when you can. I have to get back up. I feel myself sinking, and I don't want to sink. Thanks for listening...Dorrie

02-08-2014, 12:59 AM
Hello there! It sounds like you are going through a very rough time! Its good that you've deemed to find a medication that works but it seems expensive. :( you can't really put a price on your mental health though. You'll be in my thoughts though and I hope everything improves for you!

02-08-2014, 01:10 AM
What a total sweetheart. You are so right. And thanks for taking the time to respond. From your pic, you look like you have an incredible heart. Again...Thank you. I used to not believe this, but people need people. The right kind that is. lol. Dorrie

02-08-2014, 01:27 AM
What a total sweetheart. You are so right. And thanks for taking the time to respond. From your pic, you look like you have an incredible heart. Again...Thank you. I used to not believe this, but people need people. The right kind that is. lol. Dorrie

Thank you, that is very nice of you. I try!! Unless I am having an anxious moment or a panic attack I'm kind of a monster. Lol not really but my tolerance and patience becomes zero. I'm glad you came back! This is truly a place for healing. Or at the very least venting!!

02-08-2014, 01:36 AM
Well, I didn't leave. EVERYONE took turns passing bugs around. But we're on the up and up now. You look like no monster, however... I know what you're talking about girl. We need to vent sometimes. Or we will go crazy!! lol. You can vent to me anytime, K? Going to bed. You have a great weekend hon. Take care, Dorrie.

02-08-2014, 04:22 AM
Well, I didn't leave. EVERYONE took turns passing bugs around. But we're on the up and up now. You look like no monster, however... I know what you're talking about girl. We need to vent sometimes. Or we will go crazy!! lol. You can vent to me anytime, K? Going to bed. You have a great weekend hon. Take care, Dorrie.

Hello dorrie oh you sound like you have had so much on your head right now,it's hard to have so much in your head at one time so no wonder you needed to take your meds,it's so bad that they cost so much,where do you live? I'm in the uk
We are all here for you I hope that your feeling even a small but better,vent away when you need to,we all need to do this
Take care

02-08-2014, 06:11 AM
Dorrie all this s*** will pass, you know that, it is not for ever. The disability will be approved and you will have helps and some relieve. Your son will get out and do something good with his life, and you all will be ok. You need to believe it. It is hard for you not the last week but it feels like forever.....:)) Keep strong for a while:)

02-08-2014, 06:53 AM
Hey Dorrie we're all still here for you! You've done some good things even throughout the story and I hope the family all gets well soon, filing for disability is a big step and will help you greatly. Hoping that the 18th proves to be a better day for you all too!!...

E-Man :)

02-08-2014, 08:03 AM
Your always right my Dee Dee friend. As you read, we've all been sick sick sick. But better now. Expect an email this weekend hon. Take care my friend. Dorrie

02-08-2014, 08:13 AM
I've truly missed your words of encouragement that is the first things I read when I joined this site. I've missed ya big bro. I know you have a mountain top of problems yourself. I'm not the only one here that does. I'm just glad we have each other. Like I told another member last night.. "People need other People"!!! Good People. lol. Thanks big brother. I know you always have my back. Keep your fingers crossed on the 18th. He sounded really stressed Sunday. You know he's trustee, and works in the kitchen. They drug tested everyone, and several didn't pass. Thank God my son did. But it put a lot of extra work on him, but HEY... if that's the worst he's dealing with right now, instead of having to fight to defend himself...that really isn't a lot to complain about. You know what I'm saying. But, oh I can't wait to get him home and back on track. He really is one of the greatest young men you could meet. And I'm not just saying that because he's my son. He just made mistakes..... hmmmm like I did, and probably a lot of people at that age. But I never went to jail. Omg!!! Take care. I'm here if you need to vent. D

02-08-2014, 08:40 AM
And we are here whenever you need to vent, Dorrie.. you are going through so much right now, but we're all here to support you! Take it day by day, brick by brick and you will get through this! You are strong. Keep us updated!

02-08-2014, 10:37 PM
Thanks Honey Bun!! Hopefully this will all be through shortly. My momma always told me, when she was still alive, "No one said life was going to be a bed of roses!! And if it were...Roses have Thorns". I think I've written that before. Stone me. lol. But you know girl, I'm not a drama queen, with something always going on. I love to help more than to be helped to tell you the truth. And to think I was a little scared to join. You guys are my lifesaver. I smile every time I see I have a response or private message. It makes me feel cared for and loved in a way. I'm so used to being the strong one, that it was hard at first, to just throw out my issue's. But that's what I, maybe not everyone and that's ok, but that's what I needed to do. Draw strength from others for a change. So thank you for caring about me, like you do. I'm not a faker. I'm just like my momma. I WANT to trust everyone, and can be a tad too vulnerable sometimes. Thank you for the response. I needed to read that before putting my head on the pillow. And by the way... In case no one has told you lately, YOU'RE NOT SO BAD YOURSELF GIRL. D.:wink: