View Full Version : Please please help me....

02-07-2014, 04:42 PM
I am a wreck!!! I can barely function at times eel like I am losing my mind and am having a mental breakdown. I tried to get back on Zoloft last friday as I stopped taking it in october and started feeling horrible in November. I was having bouts of depression, and heightened anxiety, but was able to function at school, with my girlfriend, gym, ect and although was not at my best was not nearly as bad and terrified as I am now. I originally wa on 50 mg of Zoloft for 7 years and it helped me tremendously. I tried last friday to get back on starting with 12.5 the first day 25 the second and third. After the second day I could not sleep, was having horrible panic attacks and no appetite. Before I tried to get back on them I was no where near this bad. I feel horrible 24/7 and can barely function. No relief in sight except for a dr appt monday. I am as I have always been terrified of meds and even though I was on Zoloft before it was hard and scary for me to try again. Were these just start up symptoms? Will the Zoloft work for me if it worked once before? Do i need to just try and push through. I literally feel like I am loosing my mind and going crazy almost 24/7 ... I was in a bad place 7 years ago when I got on the meds, but I do not remember having sum not such a hard time. If i need another med I will be terrified. I am having such a hard time I am falling a part and do not know what to do. I feel something is definitely wrong like a chemical imbalance. Is there really such thing? I know there must be, what I am feeling is beyond my ability to handle it on my own. Is this definitive that I need to be on a medication, and if so, how does one with such a phobia of medication deal with this?

02-07-2014, 04:51 PM
Your phobia of medication is what is causing all of the first 1000 words...
Take the tablet, and then occupy your mind completely forgetting about that tablet.
Rather than taking the tablet, and waiting for it to do everything imaginable,...just as it is..
Your mind is creating this havoc, not 25mg of Zoloft...
Take them in the am instead...

Just some thoughts..I take 10 different meds, and just stuck a needle in my stomach for 1 of them so chillax..


02-07-2014, 05:06 PM
Look into natural mood boosters and supplements. Safer, cheaper, less side effects.