View Full Version : Anxiety disorder

03-04-2008, 12:12 AM
Im new to this forum, i just happen to stumble upon it whilst on my frantic search on the net on how to cure anxiety. I would like to share my story here with all of you hoping you might be able to give me some insight as to whether this does get better or not.
I am 25 years old and i experienced my first panic attack back in May 2007 whilst i was on a plane travelling from Sydney back to the Gold Coast. I thought nothing of it at the time untill i experienced another attack in June this time it was magnanimous! Iwas sweating,trembling,dizzy, heart palpitations(thought i was having a heart attack) had this intense fear of going crazy and fear of dying. I did not sleep or eat for a whole week. After this frightning experience i went to a naturopath to help me who then prescribed all these freaking tablets to help with stress and mood disorders, and something for sleeping. This helped calm everything although i still wasn't feeling 100% like myself. I continued taking these tablets untill november but then it started to feel like it wasn't working as i found myself getting worried about everything again and the breathlessness came back. This continued untill i had another full blown attack in December this time it lasted for two weeks and i also developed depression. Because i wasn't eating or sleeping i had lost 6 kilo's in that span of time. I felt so ill that i was convinced i was dying of some undiagnosed illness and that i was crazy. I was scared. Im still scared because now im on anti depressants and the whole suicide thing has really freaked me out... My anxiety is still present. I just cannot shake the feeling that i have an undiagnosed illness and it is driving me mad with worry. Does this happen to anyone else? Can anyone suggests tests i need to get done in order to make sure that i am healthy and that there is nothing physically wrong with me?

03-04-2008, 09:32 AM
Hi Gina,
I defintely have been where you are. I am 44 (almost 45) and have looked for the 'Holy Grail' of anxiety cures. Ultimately I found a therapist that helped me get it under control and worked with me on facing the anxiety.

Different things work for different people, but that is what helped me. Now I just have to get back to that point because I am in a bad, anxious place again.

Talking seems to help.

03-04-2008, 11:39 PM
Hi southB,
Thanks for replying. Yeah you are right, talking about it does help. I have started seeing a therapist who after just a few visits has helped a great deal in identifying the stressors in my life, to which i am currently dealing with. Its just that sometimes(and im sure you know all too well) everything just gets so overwhelming!
Im so sick of having this constant feeling of fullness in my head (if that makes any sense!) It's like all these random thoughts accumulate in my mind till it feels completely full! Mostly about being terminally ill.
I have a 3 year old son, and for close to a year now he has witnessed me completely go mental around him! I feel guilty about the fact that i have lost a grip on life! I am a shadow of myself.
Anyway what about you, how are you feeling now?