View Full Version : Just tell me what it is

02-05-2014, 01:02 AM
hey guys.i feel very weird and strange.i have been having this feeling for 2 months now.i do everything i used to but i feel strange. like i dont know myself or everything seems so weird.it is so hard to concentrate and i doubt my vision all the time and looking nyself in the mirror i feel very strange. i sleep well,eat well,exercise but i cannot seem to find myself like there is something missing.i perfectly can distinguish reality and dreams but somehow i have doubts. and i also doubt things like are me alive is this life and so on.i have times specially before bedtime when i creep out coz i think irrational things like omg the room is spinning or where am i.but i know where i am and what i am doing.also i been having crazy ideas like what if an object was here or other what ifs. i must say that i dont see things or hear things like hallucinations is just my mind who thiks what ifs.please is this dp dr?i would be grateful to know coz it will be easier if i know what is going on.never been diagnosed with something and i am on lexapro currenltly which really has helped me but i cant seem to find the proper way yet.please respond i am very concerned.

02-05-2014, 01:25 AM
Your mind is just overworked with worry and it is going though strange thought processes. Its just another facet of our anxiety disorder. Nothing to be worried about. If you can try not to give it fuel... it will eventually stop. If you fear it. You feed the fuel to the fire. Its an awful cycle. Easier said than done...but you are here telling us about it...and not wrapped up in it consumed. Obviously you are functioning just fine...just these thoughts!! You will be okay:)