View Full Version : Magnesium Deficient? No test required!

02-04-2014, 06:38 PM

I have seen Fisher as well as others post on this topic. Thank you. It motivated me to do a little research. This is an interesting video. I sure hope it leads to

people stabilizing their magnesium as it relates to anxiety/depression, and overall stress relief. Follow your passion, live your excitement. Be the greatest

version of you, that you can be. Peace

02-05-2014, 08:10 AM
Good post Gene, Mag supplements are underrated

Anxious Abi
02-05-2014, 12:24 PM
Thanks for posting the link, a bit of info then a question if that's OK.
Decided to pluck up the courage to talk to the Pharmacist about Magnesium today, she told me the only thing it would do was slow my heart rate a little, that I should go back to the Dr for blood tests and up the meds i'm already on.
I get the impression from the video that I am to completely ignore this and buy them regardless?
I'm pretty confused about it tbh.

02-05-2014, 12:41 PM
Thanks for posting the link, a bit of info then a question if that's OK.
Decided to pluck up the courage to talk to the Pharmacist about Magnesium today, she told me the only thing it would do was slow my heart rate a little, that I should go back to the Dr for blood tests and up the meds i'm already on.
I get the impression from the video that I am to completely ignore this and buy them regardless?
I'm pretty confused about it tbh.

A better way to get tested for magnesium is by your hair. Like the vid says, the body will always make sure it has enough in the blood, but other areas of the body may be depleted, which can be seen by testing the hair instead.

In all honesty though, I'd just take the sups, and save the 50bucks or whatever it costs to do that test, as the NHS don't always do it.

I've been taking it for years, so have many others I know.

If you're healthy, there are really gonna be no bad outcomes to taking just a standard magnesium supplement.

02-05-2014, 01:11 PM
Thanks for posting the link, a bit of info then a question if that's OK.
Decided to pluck up the courage to talk to the Pharmacist about Magnesium today, she told me the only thing it would do was slow my heart rate a little, that I should go back to the Dr for blood tests and up the meds i'm already on.
I get the impression from the video that I am to completely ignore this and buy them regardless?
I'm pretty confused about it tbh.

Of course she would state that. LOL Pat answers for people in general. They can't give medical advice, and there is money to be made. Peace

Anxious Abi
02-05-2014, 01:30 PM
Apologies for asking a stupid question.
Thank you for your advice.
Best wishes.

02-05-2014, 01:36 PM
Apologies for asking a stupid question.
Thank you for your advice.
Best wishes.

Wasn't stupid :)

02-20-2014, 06:42 AM
Apologies for asking a stupid question.
Thank you for your advice.
Best wishes.

There are no stupid questions. Thank you for talking about it. Good docs, and good pharmacists can answer these questions. Thing is we have lots of cognitive dissonance, doc who are not aware will indeed give you an answer, but not beyond their scope of understanding. Sadly, pharmaceutical companies indoctrinate them very well. The cult of medicine. Cash is king.


02-20-2014, 07:01 AM
I recommend if you have not been taking magnesium, you seriously consider it. M.I.T. did a blood serum test and found 67% percent of people were deficient and this is terrible. The soil our foods are deficient in magnesium, thus the food is not helpful. Now listen to this, and it has been stated before on here, blood serum testing is NOT even close to accurate in determining full body magnesium levels, and so many doctors are seeing possibly as high as 99% of people are deficient in this MUST HAVE mineral. As well as new discoveries pertaining to Vitamin D3, and no not D2, D2 is not the one you want. Doctors are more likely to prescribe this (D2), simply get D3. Omega 3 fish oils are tricky packaging, when you see 1300 mgs, read and see what fish oils omega 3 fats are in the pack. it should not be less than 900 mg, but lots of them say 1,000 mg of fish oil, that alone is not the fat you want, the omega 3 is a separate item within fish oil, make sure that is HIGH. Just some stuff I'm learning. Flaxseed is great, liquid is best, olive oil to cook in, almonds, nuts (not p-nuts they are legumes). walnuts, pecans, etc. Get rid of table salt, use sea salt when possible. Avoid black pepper, get the good stuff. Peace

02-20-2014, 09:27 AM
Gene your are right about D3 and magnesium and the foods to eat, but I do not agree with black pepper. Flaxseed or flaxmeal is the easiest and the safest source of omega 3, and 6 , Fish oil is not really good for your because ocean and seas are contaminated with heavy metals, Olive oil organic extra virgin, and Avocado oil, my last discovery (taste like heaven) is better than olive oil, but more expensive. to limit intake of table salt check what you buy, and use a lot of garlic.
Use Tumeric in your diet.:)
Do not touch white bread.... nuts are really good source of protein... The next would be eat organic,,,it is expensive...

02-20-2014, 05:54 PM
Here's my 5 cents worth on the magnesium topic. Found I was deficient and I have found coconut water in my smoothies have helped a lot.

Also I drink a green smoothie every day made with coconut water. They taste great when loaded with fruits and are super hydrating. There is lots of info on Pinterest about the benefits of coconut water.


02-23-2014, 01:20 PM
Thank you Pam! I'll be looking into this. Much Peace

02-23-2014, 01:29 PM
Great video! I bought a natures own magnesium supplement yesterday and started taking it. I am on 20mg of Lexapro daily and was wondering if they're okay to take at the same time??

02-23-2014, 01:30 PM
Gene your are right about D3 and magnesium and the foods to eat, but I do not agree with black pepper. Flaxseed or flaxmeal is the easiest and the safest source of omega 3, and 6 , Fish oil is not really good for your because ocean and seas are contaminated with heavy metals, Olive oil organic extra virgin, and Avocado oil, my last discovery (taste like heaven) is better than olive oil, but more expensive. to limit intake of table salt check what you buy, and use a lot of garlic.
Use Tumeric in your diet.:)
Do not touch white bread.... nuts are really good source of protein... The next would be eat organic,,,it is expensive...

Excellent post and yes I agree with all, well except black pepper. I would love to try the avocado oil, olive oil kinda sucks. I love eating avocados too, guacamole YAY! ( for you Nixon) lol I do develop interior mouth swelling when I eat it though. Nothing grown over seas is truly organic as I used to sell produce, and buy and sell on the Chicago market. My then father in law owned a grocery store. Everything is irradiated and pesticides are used to keep dangerous insects out of countries. As far as the grocery store "organic" well that's a USDA standard that is , well to put it nicely, bullshit. If you don't grow it it's not organic, and if it's pasteurized it's not good for you. So my final analysis, is this, kill your meat, grown and glass jar your food, vegetables, or don't bother buying "organic", it's the same stuff. Avoid vegetables that "look " pretty, as natural is NOT pretty, the eyes are the buyers, sadly, people turn away from better foods thinking they look ugly or scarred. Wash it all. Just my two sense. Peace