View Full Version : Wondering ! Gotta keep fighting

02-04-2014, 08:09 AM
Always wondering if I'll ever feel "normal" and confident and not anxious ever again!!! I am hoping when I get my book in it'll help me!! I'm never just relaxed always waiting and hoping to god I'll go through a day without anxiety or an attack! ugh!!!!

02-04-2014, 08:27 AM
Am the same hun,my anxiety come back at christmas and i do have better days but still on alert though waiting,but because am not sleeping well of a night and waking up were my heart goes. Fast its making me really anxious today my stomach is hurting because i tense it up to much cx

02-04-2014, 09:22 AM
Am the same hun,my anxiety come back at christmas and i do have better days but still on alert though waiting,but because am not sleeping well of a night and waking up were my heart goes. Fast its making me really anxious today my stomach is hurting because i tense it up to much cx

Yeah it makes it hard to be social and go out when I always feel anxious and wondering when my next attack will be ! And I used to be a really social fun party person :(

02-04-2014, 09:58 AM
Always wondering if I'll ever feel "normal" and confident and not anxious ever again!!! I am hoping when I get my book in it'll help me!! I'm never just relaxed always waiting and hoping to god I'll go through a day without anxiety or an attack! ugh!!!!

Fighting to get back to "normal" is a tall order

What I think you will find is that you develop a new normal

And that isn't all bad

If you think about what really causes your anxiety is that you react negatively or fearful of your thoughts and aches and pains

So I haven't heard many cases where the negative thoughts just go away

The way out is fixing your reaction to those things that cause your anxiety

I am as "normal" as I probably will be

I do get the thoughts and aches that would be a trigger occasionally

I have learned how not to react to them to heal

I appreciate things much more than I ever did prior to my bout so that is a positive thing

Most people that get over their disorders do so by retraining their mind to not react in a negative way

It's quite simple, actually

unfortunately, when your head is sinning it is sometimes hard to get that process started

meds calmed me down enough to be able to understand and recognize my triggers and then I was free to break the cycle

Just being here and viewing and posting will do wonders in reassuring you on how to defeat the negativity assosciated with each person's issues

I hope you find your way and get to a good place soon

02-04-2014, 10:22 AM
Thanks nixon much appreciated xx