View Full Version : Long Time Anxiety Sufferer Just Looking for A Little Relief

02-03-2014, 08:52 PM
First of i'm blessed to have found this site and am happy to know that i'm not the only one out there..

Here's my chapter..
I was told i have anxiety by a cardiologist/ 3 E.R. Doctors/ and my GP but almost everyday i am certain that in going to die of a heart attack or heart failure of some sort.

It all started 7 years ago when i was around 19 years old, I would have this tightness in my chest and a really hard time breathing. I would always feel like i was going to lose consciousness.

Test i have taken (6-7 years ago, within a duration of 3-4 years span) would be countless blood work/ thyroid check/ EKG's / 24 hour holter monitor / echocardiogram / treadmill stress test / urinalysis / and just general body check and everything came up fine.
After several years of dealing with it, it would come and go but never be so severe.

Recently about 2 months ago i started having these crazy heart palpitations where i would feel like my heart is squeezing really hard and it would take my breath away while its doing it (5 seconds usually). I have been really fatigued, grumpy, dizzy, left arm numbness, right shoulder tingly sensation, trembling body, sweats, and all around body weakness.

I feel really crappy DAILY like fatigue/trembling/chest tightness/heart palps/dizziness etc, about 70% of my waking moments, and will have these crazy episodes maybe once a day where i get very anxious/ numbness in my left arm/dizziness/palpitations/extreme fatigue/ feeling of passing out, which could last from 10 mins to an hour...
So back to the doctor i went.

Recently within the past 2 months I've had 3 EKGs on different days, blood work which was normal, chest x-ray, and have just finished up my 48 holter monitor. I haven't gotten my results back from my holter test but will soon.

I hope someone else can relate so we can talk with each other and help each other out because everyone around me just look at me like the boy who cried wolf, like its all in my head.....

I just had to share my story because its frustrating feelings like this everyday. I hope you all find relief because im looking for the same...

El Lukio
02-04-2014, 01:01 AM
Hey Jaco I think a lot of us can relate to what you're going through. I suffer from crippling health anxiety also.

We crave constant reassurance that we're Ok which gives relief for a while but then it creeps back in and we need further reassurance. No matter how much we get, the anxiety persists and encompasses everything that we do.

You're not alone. By sharing on here you will get help, support and advice that I can confirm has helped me no end.

I also found this leaflet that describes us health worriers perfectly:


02-04-2014, 07:42 AM
[QUOTE I also found this leaflet that describes us health worriers perfectly: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hypochondria/Documents/Health%20Anxiety%20A4%20%202010.pdf[/QUOTE]
Excellent resource, Lukio! Thanks for the heads up...

02-04-2014, 06:36 PM
El Lukio! Thank you so much for that leaflet! I have read it this morning and wanted to reply to say thank you for it but for some reason I could'nt log on with my iPhone..

Anyway, it's so informative i've basically read through the whole thing and have bookmarked it. It explains a lot and has honestly made my day that much "lighter".

I'm also glad that i'm not alone in this, and plan on posting here as much as possible and talking with others like you because everyone I know who doesn't suffer from this thinks my mind is going.. And i'm only 27.

02-04-2014, 06:51 PM
Thanks Frankie! Everyone on here is a lot friendlier than people in the real world lol. Everyone thinks i'm going crazy from my GP to my wife. Atleast here we can all be crazy together, lol.

02-04-2014, 06:57 PM
Hey Jaco I think a lot of us can relate to what you're going through. I suffer from crippling health anxiety also.

We crave constant reassurance that we're Ok which gives relief for a while but then it creeps back in and we need further reassurance. No matter how much we get, the anxiety persists and encompasses everything that we do.

You're not alone. By sharing on here you will get help, support and advice that I can confirm has helped me no end.

I also found this leaflet that describes us health worriers perfectly:


That is a good link

El Lukio is El Smart-O

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 12:45 AM
No worries guys - anything to help.

And if anyone needs a printed copy and hasn't got the facility to do so, let me know and I'll happily print and snail-mail you a copy wherever you are :)