View Full Version : Can you go crazy from anxiety?

02-03-2014, 06:52 PM
Hey everyone,

If you've read my recent posts, you'd know that I'm having a tough week. It's amazing how you can feel that you're happiest person in the world and suddeenly fall down to being to the most depressed. I freaking hate this emotional "rollercoaster". I hate anxiety!

However, my question this time is, can you go crazy from anxiety/severe panic attacks? Can you develope schizophrenia or other psychosis? I had a sever panic attack the first time I smoked marijuana. So severe that I started hallucinating. Someone said that you actually can have hallucinations/minor psychosis from sever anxiety attacks. I'm scared to develope a mental illness. Not only because it's gonna feel like I'm dead inside, but because it means that I'll lose my family.

Now, I know that if I went crazy, I wouldn't know it. This thought always make me calm and is a very strong argument against my irrational thoughts. But question is, can i go crazy later on/develope some kind of mental illnes?

Help is really appreciated!

02-03-2014, 07:06 PM
James, I was going to type that exact thing word for word

No worries Alias

As hard as you may try, your anxiety doesn't graduate to something more


02-03-2014, 07:08 PM
Very happy to hear! Once again, thank you!

02-03-2014, 07:08 PM
YES............ - first they will call it borderline paranoia, before you fall over that edge. But it is possible to climb out of the hole once fallen and detachment from main stream thinking is successfully completed.

Good news, is - you really have a long way to go before most fall over the edge... Wait till you lose memory of basic words, can't order lunch and start yelling and screaming at others who appear to give you sideways looks (then again it might eventuate different for you - however the yelling and screaming is part and parcel of it) - or even those that gravitate with likewise afflictions. Going insane is becoming the standard for those that don't fit in. It's not all bad though - I've heard it said, it's like an invitation to be born again.

Don't mind me - I'm just scratching what is not there ...

Happy trails.

02-03-2014, 07:22 PM
The important thing you have to bear in mind, is that your worrying over possible mental health conditions, is no different that irrational thoughts about heart/lung disease. Trying to control what likely may never happen will just make your feelings worse.

I work partly within mental health, the majority of schizophrenics are actually living pretty normal lives in the community. (We only tend to admit the ones who don't take meds). And it's a condition mostly misrepresented in movies (no axe wielding or foaming at the mouth), generally folk just believe they are Jesus or Cher, (pretty cool) :D

Hahaha. I almost want to have schizophrenia now xD

02-03-2014, 07:28 PM
Hahaha. I almost want to have schizophrenia now xD

Alias, you have no idea how big the step you just took is