View Full Version : Having a crappy day today

02-02-2014, 12:30 PM
I drank last night so I know that alcohol has a lot to do with me feeling anxious today, but I just have so many thoughts running around in my head. Ever since we got back from the honeymoon I've been pretty sad and then anxious that I'm going to be sad forever. Went out bowling with friends last night and tried my best to have a good time, but really the whole time I just wanted to curl up in bed with my husband and cry. He's a great support – he also has some anxiety issues so he understands. I've found I really only want to hang out with him lately and no one else.

As some of you may know I weened off Wellbutrin in December, then started having anxiety again. So now I've been back on it for about 2 weeks but don't seem to feel much better. Good days and bad. I'm mad at myself for ever weening off it in the first place. I feel like it may have triggered all this crap. I've been reading the stickies on amino acids and magnesium and was thinking of trying that. Has anyone had any success with that? Having friends over tonight for the Super Bowl and I'm not anxious to have company, but I am anxious that I have to go home now (I'm at work) and help my husband with some cleaning which for me, is very difficult to get through without crying. Still feel overwhelmed by the new house. When I'm there alone all I want to do is crawl into bed and hang out with my cat :(

Rough day today, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

El Lukio
02-02-2014, 12:36 PM
It's so hard trying to be normal. I know exactly how you feel. I was out last night and felt like you did. I just didn't want to be there and I as much as I tried I just couldn't interact with anybody properly. All I wanted to do was go home but I couldn't.

It's great you've got such a supportive husband - having someone who understands will aid with your recovery. But when it's like this, I see your point about wondering whether you'll be happy again.

I hope today and tonight go better for you. Take one day at a time - that's all we can do. Everyone on here understands.

02-02-2014, 12:43 PM
It's so hard to push yourself to "go through the motions" to be normal. The thing that causes me the most anxiety, above anything else, is worrying that I'll never be myself again. I'm generally a happy person, but anxiety makes me feel like I'm missing.

But, we must keep pushing and living life even if we aren't enjoying it at the moment. We can't let ourselves retreat into our anxiety, however difficult that may be. Thanks for your comments El :) I hope you're having a good day?

El Lukio
02-02-2014, 12:57 PM
It's so hard to push yourself to "go through the motions" to be normal. The thing that causes me the most anxiety, above anything else, is worrying that I'll never be myself again. I'm generally a happy person, but anxiety makes me feel like I'm missing. But, we must keep pushing and living life even if we aren't enjoying it at the moment. We can't let ourselves retreat into our anxiety, however difficult that may be. Thanks for your comments El :) I hope you're having a good day?

I know..what scares me is the life I'm missing out on by being like this. My wife is expecting our 4th baby in 2 months and I just can't get excited about it. This ruins your life. I used to be so happy and care free. I just want my old self back.

It's been ok today thanks stp. The wife has had me painting and decorating the living room so it's kept my mind occupied somewhat :)