View Full Version : Throat Lump

02-02-2014, 10:52 AM
Pretty common amongst people with anxiety. But has your sensation of a lump ever radically changed location? Mine always used to be just at the back of my tongue/top of the throat. I've noticed about 30 mins ago that it now feels a lot further down somewhere behind my Adam's apple.

It came on suddenly and I can eat fine so it's nothing to worry about. Just a bit odd how i've been so used to a sensation in my throat in one location for years and now it decides to go south



02-04-2014, 01:14 AM
Thanks for the reply. it's certainly a common anxiety symptom and I've read about the actual science behind why it occurs. I guess the fact it feels more pronounced the past few days and it seemingly changed location caught me off guard.

Times have been quite stressful recently so I'm sure it's no surprise my body is acting up. This morning I noticed red blotches either side of my adam's apple. At first I panicked, but in reality blotchy skin is another common symptom with anxiety. The fact the throat issue has felt more pronounced recently means that blotchy skin around the same area is certainly explainable.

At times of high stress I do get spots appearing on my skin as well which is rather annoying considering i'm 27


02-05-2014, 12:56 PM
had another thought on this. Last Thursday I went to see the Dr about getting more antibiotics for the Epididy and asked a few other niggling things i'd held off asking for a while. One of which was the feeling of a lump in my throat when swallowing. had it for many years and told him. he said the fact it hasn't got worse over that time and doesn't affect eating or drinking means there's nothing to worry about.

I'm starting to wonder if maybe that's where I got it from. Subconciously thinking to myself "well if it does get worse it's something to worry about". A couple of days later I get the feeling very intesnly in a different part of my throat, have a panic around the dfact it has got worse and sometimes, at it's worst I get the sensation that my throat is closing up as well.

I've read so many tales of throat issues with anxiety. Remember seeing on the Linden method site that in all cases of throat lumps and constriction they came across none was ever due to anything sinister. Anxiety and reflux or globus hystericus I think the term is called seems to be the big 3 causes.

I know I should have nothing to worry about and i've been refraining from getting into a panic about it. But because it's a new symptom...ach after 4 years of daily pains and symptoms I guess it's difficult to avoid slipping into a negative way of thinking. But I know that the longer I invest time in negative thinking about it the longer i'm going to make it all last. When I wake up I don't notice it until I notice it...if that makes sense. When i'm busy it's at the back of my mind and often lessened.

Waffle waffle again. Sorry, just helps getting things written out I find.


02-06-2014, 01:10 AM
When that happens to me, I get quite bothered by it, though I believe it is snot and sinus related quite often, it moves from your nose to your throat, and to your ears, depending on the position you've got your head in.

02-06-2014, 01:54 AM
Aye I seemed to notice it before quitting smoking for several years. However the sensation never left after quitting smoking and I wonder now if it is a sinus issue such as post nasal drip or if it was anxiety brewing all along seeing as I was smoking weed everyday for 7 years before I quit. I used to get chest tightness and rapid heart rate before i quit weed as well and on 2 occassions it resulted in a panic attack. The second one was what catapulted me into anxiety everyday with pains.


02-22-2014, 03:48 PM
Pretty common amongst people with anxiety. But has your sensation of a lump ever radically changed location? Mine always used to be just at the back of my tongue/top of the throat. I've noticed about 30 mins ago that it now feels a lot further down somewhere behind my Adam's apple.

It came on suddenly and I can eat fine so it's nothing to worry about. Just a bit odd how i've been so used to a sensation in my throat in one location for years and now it decides to go south



I'm dealing with this now...I go from sinus infection to cancer, yup have myself convinced I have throat cancer smh I'm on antibiodics but the throat, ear pain are driving me crazy. Glad to read you were brave enough to say something to your doctor since I have not been!!

02-23-2014, 07:33 AM
I'm also dealing with my throat "locking up" when I panick.....its not comforting at all. lol

02-23-2014, 08:09 AM
Mine lessened quite substantially. Comes and goes now but nowhere near as bad as it was. But it was a fixation and it made it worse. FOr instance today I have a random bruise on my knee. No doubt caused last night when I was drinking but instead of being logical I went to DVT and started freaking out.

Usually when you keep busy symptoms will lessen or disappear entirely. It's when you panic and fret about things that you make everything worse for yourself.
