View Full Version : New kid.

02-02-2014, 08:17 AM
I don't usually turn to social media or forums to discuss my issues but my anxiety has been extremely persistent and overwhelming. It started when I was 9 years old with night terrors, theories that a meteor would crash into my room and kill me, end of the world nonsense, your basic mortality worries but in the mind of a 3rd grader. I'm 18 now and my anxiety has only grown. As scary as those thoughts were when I was younger, it's scarier for me now because half of the time I don't even comprehend why I'm anxious. I've been waking up in the middle of the night, sometimes every hour on the hour, and either burst into delusional hysterics or just stay up all night afraid to even try and sleep. I haven't eaten a fully balanced meal in 4 days.

I pretty much feel like in my head I'm locked in a 5x5 cement storage room surrounded by everything that I dislike. I just want my life back. Family members will tell me to just "stop being anxious" But that's also like telling me to stop having a nose, or something of that nature.

I'm new here and I would just like to know if anyone at all feels the same exact way because I feel like I'm completely alone in terms of this anxiety.

02-02-2014, 08:30 AM
Welcome HarGee! You are definitely not alone in this!!! You'll find a whole lot of nice people here with sage advice. I found this forum not too long ago and it's been very therapeutic. Get what you need out of it! We all share in this affliction. Health related issues is my anxiety trigger so I can relate to the fear/anxiety you are going through. Everyone here wi understand that no, you can't just get over it!!! It's how were predisposed and wired. Hang in there. Things will get better with time and taking care of our ourselves.

02-02-2014, 08:48 AM
My biggest issue is accepting that it takes time to see progress. I know I have to exercise my mind to deter the anxious thoughts, but at the time I'm having them all I can think about is how much I wish it all would stop that instant. I know medication is an option but I'm not a fan of prescription pills. Medicating with marijuana helps a lot but Virginia is not yet a medical state and it's not something that I can buy all of the time and there's also the unfortunate legal consequences with marijuana use, so I'm really fearing that I'll have to go on medication. Do you have any advice or insight on medication and the affects?

02-02-2014, 09:00 AM
My biggest issue is accepting that it takes time to see progress. I know I have to exercise my mind to deter the anxious thoughts, but at the time I'm having them all I can think about is how much I wish it all would stop that instant. I know medication is an option but I'm not a fan of prescription pills. Medicating with marijuana helps a lot but Virginia is not yet a medical state and it's not something that I can buy all of the time and there's also the unfortunate legal consequences with marijuana use, so I'm really fearing that I'll have to go on medication. Do you have any advice or insight on medication and the affects?
The lack of patience is probably related to OCD. The obsession we feel is OCD. It's all connected. Almost like the chemistry balance in our bodies is slightly off. This is probably why weed helps. It can get costly though and there are legal implications. I was prescribed Paxil for about a year. It helped tremendously! So much so that I was able to ween myself off it. I too don't like taking meds so I don't want to go back. Plus for some the side effects are different. It was weight gain for me and I've always been athletic. Made me feel sluggish. It did help with the OCD side of things and to help sleep.