View Full Version : health anxiety

02-01-2014, 05:47 PM
Does anyone else check their body for things due to health anxiety? I do it all the time & its driving me crazy!! Is there anyone else with really bad health anxiety on here that would like to talk about it?

02-01-2014, 05:48 PM
Yep I do. I'm obsessed with every bodily sensation especially those relating to my head!!

02-01-2014, 05:54 PM
I stop in my tracks if i feel a sensation anywhere in my body then i start to worry!

02-01-2014, 06:03 PM
I stop in my tracks if i feel a sensation anywhere in my body then i start to worry!

Yep I'm the same. Sends me into panic.
I am dizzy, faint, lightheaded ALL the time

02-01-2014, 06:05 PM
Yep. I check my heart rate every 5 mins. And everytime I check it, I get nervous. As a result, my heart beats a little bit faster. Which makes me more nervous. Which makes the heart beat even faster and so on... It's really annoying. Distraction is the best cure.

02-01-2014, 06:07 PM
Yep. I check my heart rate every 5 mins. And everytime I check it, I get nervous. As a result, my heart beats a little bit faster. Which makes me more nervous. Which makes the heart beat even faster and so on... It's really annoying. Distraction is the best cure.

Such a vicious cycle!!

El Lukio
02-02-2014, 01:44 AM
This is what I'm going through. Any small ache, pain or minor change sends me into spiralling panic. I'm obsessed with my own demise and my mind convinces me I'm dying from some horrible disease. I know pretty much everything I'm suffering from is anxiety related but my mind convinces me otherwise. It's wearing me out.

I check my body for lumps and bumps 30-40 times a day and I Google symptoms until I'm sick with panic and fear. It's a vicious cycle.

You're not alone in this. I know how you feel.

02-02-2014, 01:56 AM
I'm in the same boat 110%...It really perpetuates itself with anxiety! The worst thing I find is when I have physical symptoms that are atypical to anxiety ones, so I find it hard to talk myself out of worrying that they are more serious (aka going to kill me!!). So by all means, if you ever want to talk about your worries I am right here! Its quite frustrating to explain my anxiety to those who arent going through the same thing.

El Lukio
02-02-2014, 06:15 AM
I'm in the same boat 110%...It really perpetuates itself with anxiety! The worst thing I find is when I have physical symptoms that are atypical to anxiety ones, so I find it hard to talk myself out of worrying that they are more serious (aka going to kill me!!). So by all means, if you ever want to talk about your worries I am right here! Its quite frustrating to explain my anxiety to those who arent going through the same thing.

Thanks FK, likewise. I know deep down the symptoms I have are all anxiety related but my mind tells me otherwise. It freaks me out so much.

02-02-2014, 07:25 AM
Does anyone else check their body for things due to health anxiety? I do it all the time & its driving me crazy!! Is there anyone else with really bad health anxiety on here that would like to talk about it?
As you can tell, you are not alone in this! I too suffer from the same affliction. It's been this way since I was 10. How about you? Do you take any meds? Someone said it's a vicious cycle and they are soooooo right. It be becomes ever so consuming and exhausting...