View Full Version : Need help

02-01-2014, 05:16 PM
After battling some issues for several months now I think I'm finally ready to admit I have a problem. About 6 months ago I started to get really anxious and in a very low mood. I put it down to the relationship I was in as it had just become long distance. It was affecting every area of my life and I couldnt get the thoughts out of my head and felt miserable. Which is odd because a few years before I was in a long distance relationship amd it was fine. So I broke it off and expected things to get better, but ever since I have been getting more anxious and have developed 'intrusive thoughts' of me doing things like stabbing myself in the eye with a knife ect. These are not very common but are quite distressing. I dont feel like I have depressiom as I dont feel depressed, and dont have the anhedonia and lack of interest in things which is associated with depression. But im also not sure if it could be generalised anxiety necause it doesn't feel general, I only get anxious when I am on my own, not interacting with others. And when I am anxious thoughts of this relationship return. Its not like an wxious about tryingnew things or meeting new people. But it is so distressing, I cry at least omce a day, im tired all the tome and have a terrible stomach and head ache. Im just so tired of thinking things over and o er again and never getting anything but distress from it.
Im exhausted, please help, whats wrong with me!

02-01-2014, 05:42 PM
First of all, go to your doc and do some tests, just to be safe. I also get these "intrusive thoughts", where I feel like I'm about to lose control. But really, it's the other way around, you're in stress mode/panic mode which means you have more control than usual. What you need to do is find a hobby. Do NOT isolate yourself at home. This only makes it worse, it was my biggest mistake. You need to go out and meet new people and do stuff that distracts you. The fact that you're not anxious when you're around people is perfect. Exercise, go to the gym or whatever. Try to not think about it, try to relax. There's alot of different methods/techniques to help you relax, which you can find here. Also, DON'T, I REPEAT, DON'T GOOGLE SYMPTOMS! You'll go from 1 problem to 1000 problems.

Always remember, you're not alone. Wish you the best :)

- AliasEQ

El Lukio
02-02-2014, 01:46 AM

Alias is right. This is the worst thing you can do and I can vouch will not help you whatsoever. It's partly because of this that I'm in my mess.

02-02-2014, 01:56 AM
i used to be like that.then i said to myself ok if you have something your body would hurt or you would feel something bad.you dont so stop worrying and enjoy life. if you die you will die happy.this is how i got over it.

02-02-2014, 01:57 AM
and yes google f***** me up .GOOGLE IS NOT A FUCKING DOCTOR STOP GOOGLING.

02-02-2014, 02:07 AM
I concur, no googling. It is bad for your anxiety. Only google positive things. That's how I found this forum :)

02-02-2014, 02:08 AM
I'm sorry to hear that.. A big buzz kill (among the million other things) caused by anxiety is the disinterest you experience in things previously found enjoyable..It is good to hear that your anxiety isnt stopping you from trying new things and meeting new people though! That is a great thing and you should probably make use of that to keep yourself busy, especially if you are in a long distance relationship. I have been in that boat and just remember I had A LOT of spare time on my hands.

I also have a hard time in my own company, it is when my thoughts are the loudest. I'm also trying to figure out how to deal with this, as depending on others doesnt seem like the cure. So although I dont have any particular advice, just want to say I empathize with you. The best things I find is indulging in personal relaxing things, for me that is a bubble bath, making a good playlist or a thorough spring clean (OCD much?)

May I ask, have you ever sought out any professional help to gain clarity on your situation?

02-02-2014, 03:48 AM
Thing is I have loads of hobbies which keep me busy, but they all involve interacting with people. It's when I'm on my own thats the problems. Also I should point out that this relationship ended 4 months ago.and somehow I just can't.stop thinking about it and over analysing it. Im so exhausted all the time from it!

02-02-2014, 07:09 AM
Thing is I have loads of hobbies which keep me busy, but they all involve interacting with people. It's when I'm on my own thats the problems. Also I should point out that this relationship ended 4 months ago.and somehow I just can't.stop thinking about it and over analysing it. Im so exhausted all the time from it!

go out and find someone else.react man

02-02-2014, 08:11 AM
go out and find someone else.react man

I did it didn't help. Its not like I want the relationship back, or that there was anything particularly special about it. But thoughts about how things were back then keep popping into my mind and I just get so anxious trying to make it stop...

02-02-2014, 08:56 AM
Thing is I have loads of hobbies which keep me busy, but they all involve interacting with people. It's when I'm on my own thats the problems. Also I should point out that this relationship ended 4 months ago.and somehow I just can't.stop thinking about it and over analysing it. Im so exhausted all the time from it!

You need to stop focusing on the "its when Im alone" part of it

That has just become your trigger. It could have been many different things, but that s yours and maybe there is a reason

It isnt that you have to get over being on your own, its realizing that you have anxiety issues

Seek to treat the anxiety, not force yourself to handle being alone

Anxiety moves from place to place and will likely settle in you with another trigger once you have overcome being alone

You have the tendency to be anxious.

Address that as the issue so you don't keep fighting all of these little battles instead of just winning the war