View Full Version : not again :(

01-31-2014, 02:56 PM
37 weeks pregnant recovering from anxiety last few weeks anxiety has been awful. Just minding my own business talking to my friend and bam had major palpertaions lasting ages :( now its worked me up im scared something bad is gonna happen why has it alll come back and this bad palpertaio I had why why why please someone help me im getting desperate again and so worried about labout just get thoughts im going to die

01-31-2014, 02:58 PM
Have you experienced this many times in the past?

01-31-2014, 03:01 PM
Just remember your hormones are all racing around at the moment and they themselves could be the sole cause for your anxiety to rise. My anxiety bouts are def linked to hormones. Just take each minute by minute, hour by hour. Be gentle on yourself and keep telling yourself that you can do it, try to accept the feelings and don't fight them. Lots of baths ands relaxing evenings xxx

01-31-2014, 03:54 PM
Yes I used to get them all the time before I was pregnant and have had the odd one but it was bad tonigh5 just dont get it :, (

01-31-2014, 03:59 PM
Yes I used to get them all the time before I was pregnant and have had the odd one but it was bad tonigh5 just dont get it :, (

Well that should give you some piece of mind knowing that nothing has ever came from it in the past

It always raises the question of how many times do you have to go through this before you stop believing it?

The answer is different for everyone.

I hope this is the last time for you