View Full Version : Another week

01-31-2014, 02:49 PM
Finally survived another week of school..
The next following weeks aren't going to be as good:(

01-31-2014, 02:56 PM
Finally survived another week of school..
The next following weeks aren't going to be as good:(

Well with thinking like that, the next few weeks will suck, just as you predicted

Where the mind goes, energy flows and the results are soon to show

Why not decide that you will rock the next few weeks

Can't hurt, right?

I would wager a bet that the outcome will be much more pleasant

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 03:02 PM
Well with thinking like that, the next few weeks will suck, just as you predicted Where the mind goes, energy flows and the results are soon to show Why not decide that you will rock the next few weeks Can't hurt, right? I would wager a bet that the outcome will be much more pleasant

Seconded. I find on days that I wake up and say 'today is going to be good', they usually turn out be a good day. Not always I hasten to add but a lot can be said for positive thinking.

Hope it isn't as bad as you think.

01-31-2014, 04:38 PM
I completely agree with the other comments. I've found that anxiety is ultimately this: negative thought patterns. Imagining the worst. Worrying that you'll have another attack, won't be able to make it through school or work, fretting about possibilities, not absolutes. I think a lot of managing anxiety has to do with reversing these thought patterns that we, as anxiety sufferers, have gotten ourselves stuck in.

Baby steps, take it a day at a time. Maybe set small goals for yourself that day, tell yourself that you CAN do this, you ARE stronger than this disease!!

01-31-2014, 04:44 PM
I usually think my days going to be good.. But half of the time it goes completely bad:(
The next few weeks are going to be bad as i have course work, assessments, interviews and speaking assessments and i have social anxiety so i'm extremely nervous :(