View Full Version : What should i do in the middle of an attack??

02-27-2008, 11:17 AM
Ive had anxiety for about 12 years now, last year was a really good year, this year its back with avengance :cry:
im sooooo peeded off but what i want to know is..
when the panic attack has kicked in what do or best thing to do while its happening??
when im having an attack i feel weird,strange,sick,frightened to death and i dont know EXACTLY what to do with myself.
what would you do?
i usually just sit down and wait for it to pass or just pace up and down the room :?

02-27-2008, 02:33 PM
25 views and no answers :roll: come on guys help :cry:

02-27-2008, 04:31 PM
when the panic attack has kicked in what do or best thing to do while its happening??
when im having an attack i feel weird,strange,sick,frightened to death and i dont know EXACTLY what to do with myself.
what would you do?
i usually just sit down and wait for it to pass or just pace up and down the room :?

The best thing to do is to remain as calm as you possibly can. Also, you want to try to keep in mind that those weird, stange,sick, and scary feelings are essentially only a 'bluff'. Not a sign that something disastrous is going to happen. Basically, let the attack pass while at the same time trying to do something else. I guess it is, as they say, simple but not easy.

02-27-2008, 07:09 PM
robbed is right,
You need to try as hard as you can to clear your mind, also focus remotely on your breathing if you can get your breathing under control your heart rate will slow and you will be able to think a little more rationally.

02-29-2008, 12:53 PM
I tend to try distraction - fidgedting, foot tapping, rocking, shouting, dancing around the room like a madwoman, talking rubbish to myself, that kind of thing. Hope no-one can see me through the window!

These are just my own rituals, further evidence of my warped mind...

Sometimes, though, the attacks just can't be overcome - when 'I' is more persistent than 'me' :?