View Full Version : What is this ?

01-31-2014, 06:57 AM
In October last year I started experiencing dizzy spells an feelings like I'm going to faint my legs feel like jelly like there going to give way really heavy eyes the first week I had this I couldn't sleep I had ringing in the ears really bad palpitations an really scary anxiety and just generally feeling really weird physically, I phoned my doctor and said I wasn't very well they said they'd come to my house as I can't get out cause I'm agoraphobic but they didn't come, the palpitations have gone now an the anxiety has died down but the dizziness an the feeling like I'm going to faint is still there it's not all the time I have it it's like every other day or now and again, but gradually as i went along with it I have these dizzy lightheaded feelings still I stop still a bit an I feel a bit better and I also gave an increased appetite also I get really red hot cheeks too I ay got a clue it could be just anxiety playing me up but it's annoying an ya think all sorts and it's silly the stuff I think I've got it really is ya just get really fed up of it after a while :\ any way I hope everyones ok and doing good take all 😃👍

01-31-2014, 08:42 AM
This happend to me but it started last February I started to feel dizzy all the time to the point I couldn't leave my house, if I did my legs felt like jelly I thought I was going to faint any second, my eyes where heavy my heart racing, feeling very off balance like a magnet was pulling me to the floor. Still a year on I feel the same the doctors have done tests on me and nothing come up other than anxiety, I feel so depressed that I can't get out of my house.