View Full Version : Can sinus infection

01-30-2014, 11:32 PM
CAn it cause your throat to hurt and feel as if it's closing I also have a upper respiratory infection

01-30-2014, 11:47 PM
Absolutely. I'm dealing with a long-term sinus infection. The drainage irritates the throat and so does coughing. The irritation generally causes your throat to feel "swollen" even when it's not. I've battled the respiratory infections too. That's caused from the drainage. Have you seen a doctor? If not, you should. You may need an antibiotic or even an anti fungal medication if it's your sinuses.

01-30-2014, 11:59 PM
A few things you can do at home... 1) gargle your throat with warm salt water (about a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a small amount of water). That will help with soreness and irritation. 2) Use a neti pot or sinus irrigation system to clean out your nasal passages. 3) Drink hot tea, preferably something like green tea mixed with honey and lemon. That will help with throat soreness and thin the mucus draining down your throat. 4) Try inhaling warm steam. If you have a hot steam vaporizer, try sleeping with that in your room. There are things you can add to the water tank with menthol that will help open your nasal passages. Just be sure to clean it out regularly to prevent any bacteria or mold growth. 5) Drink lots of water. You may want to take guafenisan to thin mucus and make coughs productive to get it out of your chest. Hope some of this helps and you feel better soon.

01-31-2014, 12:07 AM
Absolutely. I'm dealing with a long-term sinus infection. The drainage irritates the throat and so does coughing. The irritation generally causes your throat to feel "swollen" even when it's not. I've battled the respiratory infections too. That's caused from the drainage. Have you seen a doctor? If not, you should. You may need an antibiotic or even an anti fungal medication if it's your sinuses.

Thank you so much that had helped a lot I get these major head aches idk if that's part if the infection

01-31-2014, 12:23 AM
Probably so. I have major headaches as well. That's because your sinuses are irritated, swollen and not draining properly. Have you seen a doctor with this?

01-31-2014, 12:29 AM
Probably so. I have major headaches as well. That's because your sinuses are irritated, swollen and not draining properly. Have you seen a doctor with this?

No not yet

01-31-2014, 12:34 AM
I would recommend going. You may need an antibiotic or other medication. The things I recommended are just home remedies to alleviate the symptoms. They don't treat the root of the problem if it is an infection. You may need a nasal steroid spray or an oral steroid as well.

01-31-2014, 12:41 AM
I would recommend going. You may need an antibiotic or other medication. The things I recommended are just home remedies to alleviate the symptoms. They don't treat the root of the problem if it is an infection. You may need a nasal steroid spray or an oral steroid as well.

I have amoxicillin can that work ?

01-31-2014, 12:47 AM
It might. Sinus infection is tricky. Your doctor needs to evaluate you and prescribe any meds he or she feels would work. I've been on 3 different antibiotics before I found one that helped. I wouldn't recommend self medicating. The amoxicillin won't hurt, but it might not help either. Your doc will know the best ones for treating sinus and respiratory stuff. Antibiotics are often specific about things they target.

01-31-2014, 12:52 AM
It might. Sinus infection is tricky. Your doctor needs to evaluate you and prescribe any meds he or she feels would work. I've been on 3 different antibiotics before I found one that helped. I wouldn't recommend self medicating. The amoxicillin won't hurt, but it might not help either. Your doc will know the best ones for treating sinus and respiratory stuff. Antibiotics are often specific about things they target.

Yea your so right

01-31-2014, 01:07 AM
I feel for you, dear. It's not pleasant, but don't freak out. Everything you described sounds like it's sinus related. If it's an acute problem, they may give you something to help until it clears up in a week or so. If you have chronic, long-term problems, it may take a few evaluations to figure out the culprit. Sinus problems can be caused by so many things like allergies, viruses, bacteria, maybe a deviated septum or sinus polyps. If your regular doctor can't get to the root of it, he may refer you to an ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist or maybe even an allergy specialist. Hope you feel better soon.

01-31-2014, 01:22 AM
I feel for you, dear. It's not pleasant, but don't freak out. Everything you described sounds like it's sinus related. If it's an acute problem, they may give you something to help until it clears up in a week or so. If you have chronic, long-term problems, it may take a few evaluations to figure out the culprit. Sinus problems can be caused by so many things like allergies, viruses, bacteria, maybe a deviated septum or sinus polyps. If your regular doctor can't get to the root of it, he may refer you to an ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist or maybe even an allergy specialist. Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks so much.