View Full Version : zoloft discontinued, anxiety under control, greater depression

01-30-2014, 04:24 AM
I was on zoloft for 9 months, slowly tappered for two months. Zoloft did nothing for my anxiety, I had got up to 150 and started on 25. I never had depression in my life, but two months after stopping Zoloft I have it big time. It's hard for me to get moving daily, everything seems dismal. I have nothing to look forward too, nothing seems exciting or fun. This isn't me, it feels like I'm in someone else's body. I have changed my diet, to a healthier one, exercising, managing my sleep, everything I can do to get through this spell. I don't want to go back on a ssri, they are evil, wish I had never gone on it. Anybody have a same experience?

01-30-2014, 08:55 AM
Can you explain in detail this feeling of depression? I mean your thoughts about "it".? Thank you Peace

01-30-2014, 03:17 PM
Thanks for the reply,
I feel unhappy in most things I do, lost my ambition to complete most tasks. I still go through the motions to get stuff done but feel very empty inside. I feel unhappy, but cant cry or even shed a tear. I am just feeling lost lately, so many different paths to choose, what is the right one? How do I get better? I can laugh or put up a fake front because I have got pretty good at hiding it. I am seeing a shrink, and go for acupuncture next week.